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Unban me allready!

Posted: 05-12-2003 20:00
by Capital_G
As you all allready know, I played a in a dbl-match for SPT, and when it was found out, I was punished, ok, I can live with that.

The problem is, I am now banned for a year from #dbpickup, and goldeneye's "best" argument was, that it's his channel.

1 year is a BIT on the long side for something like this, its just a frikkin game, and I want to play it.......this is a bit hard if some1 planns on banning you from the main part of the community for the comming year, and is too lazy to even discuss it with any1 else.

The 5 match ban from dbl seems a right punishment for what i've done, but If I cant play in pickups, then where is the reason for me to play db at all? I think goldeneye's dissision has to be talked about, and since he isnt taking any steps about it, I will.

Give me your thoughts.

Posted: 05-12-2003 20:07
by BloodyLoony
I don't give a rat's arse

Posted: 05-12-2003 20:07
by cY|riCo
get a bouncer with fakename \o/

Posted: 05-12-2003 20:07
by eiMa
u did something wrong, one year is too much..(and in fact it wont make anything better) but u should think about it another week ;)


Posted: 05-12-2003 20:07
by BloodyLoony
Or I mean, hey look at the bright side, DB is fucking dead anyway ;)

Posted: 05-12-2003 20:09
by BloodyLoony
wtf is up with that bugg-ugly green and yellow smuley, DavidM you tit, fix it gd

Sorry dude, but - you're not from Brighton - are you? I mean I'm pretty sure you aren't, yah!

Re: Unban me allready!

Posted: 05-12-2003 20:11
by Rens2Sea
Capital_G wrote: The problem is, I am now banned for a year from #dbpickup, and goldeneye's "best" argument was, that it's his channel.

It's Catalyst's channel :P

Posted: 05-12-2003 20:14
by BloodyLoony
I agree with everyone here!

*make it clap*

Ban Way too long.

Posted: 05-12-2003 20:14
by Sgt_Ballbreaker
Sorry, this ban is completely over the top!!!. I could understand it if Cap G had walked into your houses on christmas day and pissed all over your family, but he didnt. Lift the ban or ban him for another week or so, im sure the lesson has been learned. I find it quite discomforting that a well liked member of the community got a 1 year ban, I wonder what would happen if a complete cunt and hated player (me) did this?.



Re: Unban me allready!

Posted: 05-12-2003 20:46
by RaGe|DB
Capital_G wrote: As you all allready know, I played a in a dbl-match for SPT, and when it was found out, I was punished, ok, I can live with that.

The problem is, I am now banned for a year from #dbpickup, and goldeneye's "best" argument was, that it's his channel.

1 year is a BIT on the long side for something like this, its just a frikkin game, and I want to play it.......this is a bit hard if some1 planns on banning you from the main part of the community for the comming year, and is too lazy to even discuss it with any1 else.

The 5 match ban from dbl seems a right punishment for what i've done, but If I cant play in pickups, then where is the reason for me to play db at all? I think goldeneye's dissision has to be talked about, and since he isnt taking any steps about it, I will.

Give me your thoughts.

OMG so what if u nick-faked, im sure we all did it once or more!

Posted: 05-12-2003 21:25
by BloodyLoony
hehe, if cap g pissed all over his family.. that's hilarious

Posted: 05-12-2003 21:26
by BloodyLoony
I hug Aguilera's breasts in taht video

Posted: 05-12-2003 21:28
by BloodyLoony
not in dbl matches mister orange!

Posted: 05-12-2003 21:29
by Ars3h
serves you right?

Posted: 05-12-2003 21:50
by Maegrim
loon needs a straightjacket.