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Posted: 12-04-2003 12:21
by The Hermit
Now that DB-JE-TheBook has gone final I'd like to know if you think I should finish my previous map. ... .php?id=24

It's already got radar and bot pathing, but no goal events and the textures need work... :confused:

[edit]New screenshot uploaded 13/04/2003[/edit]

Posted: 12-04-2003 23:20
by Shuri

But I would say the lighting needs more work than the textures.

Posted: 12-04-2003 23:49
by The Hermit
It's not as bright as the picture suggests, if that's what you mean. :confused:

Posted: 13-04-2003 07:03
by Surge
needs more textures.. and the floors a little corney... maybe you should just do the pboxes and keeper box in the tiles.

The walls dont anything like they did in the matrix if i recall

Posted: 13-04-2003 09:31
by The Hermit
The walls were a light shiny brown stone with large tiling in the film. The floor was also shiny with the strips in a slightly different shade than the rest of the floor.
I'd been having trouble with the shine but I think I'll be able to do it now! :)

Posted: 13-04-2003 09:31
by Alars
get rid of the reset fields above the goals - if you want...:p

just have some more pbox area behind the goal, it'll still make it hard to self volley, if thats what youre concerned about...

Posted: 13-04-2003 09:38
by The Hermit
The reason I went for the reset fields was due to the different sizes of the areas behind the goals. It would probably make people try and run around behind the goals and make it harder to play. :confused:

Posted: 13-04-2003 17:51
by Armagon
Well I can get that you are trying to completely recreate the lobby as it was in the movie. But rather than having the elevator on the red side, you could make it more symmetrical like some versions of the matrix lobby I've seen. One I liked in particular had two metal detectors on either side, and a small area behind each one. Perhaps you could keep the two metal detectors on either side of the goals as you already have but make it possible to walk through them into the little area behind the goals. Also remove the lasers. This way, the players can get into the area behind goals by jumping over the goals or going through the detectors. Not only does this expand the playing field and make it a little easier for self volleyers, it also means that in order for opposing players to get behind your goals, they must risk their lives in the penalty zone first. This gives the defense some fun gibbing oppurtunities, unless the attackers are tactful enough to evade them. Just a suggestion, what ya think?

Posted: 13-04-2003 18:36
by The Hermit
Definately NOT making it easier for self volleyers! :p

Posted: 13-04-2003 22:39
by Surge
there was metal detectors in the movie if i recall... you could very easily make the elivator 1 goal and the metal detectors another with bars on either side to prevent going around them or over them.

Posted: 14-04-2003 00:41
by beefsack
lol it took me years to figure out reflective surfaces ... ead&ID=885 is a thread which is rather large about it and eventually figures it out if you read through it. just make sure there is no part of the level beyond the reflective surface or it goes spacko.

Posted: 14-04-2003 15:32
by DavidM
"needs more textures" = "I have no clue about mapping"

but lighting sucks indeed, just randomly placed default lights

Posted: 14-04-2003 17:59
by The Hermit
DavidM wrote: "needs more textures" = "I have no clue about mapping"

but lighting sucks indeed, just randomly placed default lights

Lights are evenly placed along both sides where the light strips are and up near the roof where a skylight should be, hardly random! :mad:
There are all the basic white or a tinted sunlight colour due to that being the only two sources of light in the movie scene.

Anyway, I'm getting nowhere with the shine on the walls. It either gets replaces with the ball texture when the ball gets near it or you can see straight through the pillars. :(

I think this map is at a dead end. :confused:

Posted: 14-04-2003 19:14
by Armagon
To be honest, I liked the concrete feel of the level. I realise that it is meant to be like the original lobby in the matrix with the marble floor, and black, marble pillars, but still. Don't forget people, DB isn't all about appearances (has everyone forgotten about lowcube?). I found that I could have a manic game on this level with just 5 bots that can normally do bugger-all.

As for DavidM and his opinion of the lighting:
I admit the lighting is simple, but simple works sometimes. Remember that.

Besides, its not like Hermit's chief goal is to make the map worthy of a position in one of the next DB versions.
DB-JE-TheBook may be good for that. :)

Posted: 14-04-2003 23:07
by Surge
DavidM wrote: "needs more textures" = "I have no clue about mapping"

but lighting sucks indeed, just randomly placed default lights
this comming from the creator of a map with 4 walls, 1 of which is offset and with the "blinding wall of death" means little to nothing