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Posted: 30-06-2003 07:54
by Rutzy\Vw\
1.7 is a bug. :rolleyes:

Posted: 30-06-2003 08:07
by Rutzy\Vw\
gameplay? GAMEPLAY?lol, i see nothing but people running around compaining how horrible 1.7 is :lol:

Posted: 30-06-2003 08:38
by Hoju
1.7 IMO is probably the best version since 1.3b. It's great, the gameplay changes are necessary fixes and nothing too big, and the non-gameplay changes and additions are good.

Re: 1.7 bug thread

Posted: 30-06-2003 08:42
by Hoju
vF_Zonk wrote: in Smallcube, Cube, November, and probably more that i havent checked, blue team can volley the ball from it's spawn point into red goal to score

red team can't volley into blue net, or it's shot from other half

i'm not sure if it's the same for all maps, cos in IceDemon it was the other way round
it's been that way forever, and it doesn't even matter cuz no one scores on a volley from the ball spawn

Posted: 30-06-2003 09:08
by Rutzy\Vw\
the only thing that was wrong with 1.6 was "the bug" .... which oddly enough, STILL ISN'T FIXED.

Posted: 30-06-2003 09:22
by Diab
surge you said "we"? who are these we and where have they complained?

unless you all want boring square maps be my guest.

Posted: 30-06-2003 09:26
by Surge
your an idiot... ever heard of optional downloads or do they not have those in europe? fuckin tool.

Posted: 30-06-2003 09:32
by DavidM
"anyway, 1.7 is total crud to me, take it or leave it, 1.6 is THE release that should be played on :/"

people where saying the same about 1.4b when 1.6 was new, I'm getting tired of it

Posted: 30-06-2003 09:34
I noticed this:
I set the pass aimcone to 15° and playing it was never locking a pass...but that wasnt strange cause of the low i set it to 25...or 30 and it NEVER lock a pass again!! I tried to reconnect, change server, but nothing...i cant really do a pass...
what should i do? reinstall? O_o

Posted: 30-06-2003 09:45
by DavidM
that's weird, gonna slap jero about

Posted: 30-06-2003 09:49
by Robotojon
1.7 pwns \o/

Posted: 30-06-2003 09:50
by Robotojon
lol , im glad they are in, 2 nice new maps , all good \o/

And ignore Surge, i do, i mean, if db was perfect he'd complain about that

Posted: 30-06-2003 09:56
by NightSpirit|ZBN
Well, if you are on a dial-up connection then I suppose the extra 30MB would be frustrating, but how many DB players are on a modem AND have to pay per online minute these days? You can download the zip overnight, surely?

If the maps are official and used in league games then it makes sence to include them in the update since everyone would need the same version (as it's already been pointed out that the included GB map is not the latest)

Not that your post deserved a polite responce, but some of us have grown out of the schoolyard banter. :p

Posted: 30-06-2003 10:20
by Deacan Sharp
DavidM wrote: "anyway, 1.7 is total crud to me, take it or leave it, 1.6 is THE release that should be played on :/"

people where saying the same about 1.4b when 1.6 was new, I'm getting tired of it

ditto - the big D must not be argued with!

Posted: 30-06-2003 10:24
by Deacan Sharp
Okay wanna true bug.

In aus i am know as the Curve Master, because thats all i do CURVE - DELICIOUS CURVE> BUT ONCE THE CURVE WENT MAD< i tells you it was trying to kill me. INstead of curving up when i aimed up IT CURVED DOWN like a limp body part **. only happened once so far, mybe it was just a freak thing