1.7 Thread

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DB-Tribun was killed...

Post by heLTy »

What do you think about new Tribun??

I loved DB-Tribun old version. It was a fast map, with a fast gameplay, so a different tactique than DB-Cube...

But now, DB-Tribun is a Cube with a roof.... What a pity...

Why did you change Tribun?????:confused:

So why not change November?? November is small, it's very speed.....

For me, this new Tribun is a NEW map... it's not Tribun.... Why not make a new map... very similar with Tribun but bigger so with a different tactic...

So If you change the gameplay of a map, it's a new map!
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Post by Axl »

old tribun was too spamming and luck.. Just 1 big game of pinball.. new one is better, maybe raise the roof a little more, but other than that its made more of a skill map that a luck one now..
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Post by Onge »

old tribun was too spamming and luck.. Just 1 big game of pinball.. new one is better, maybe raise the roof a little more, but other than that its made more of a skill map that a luck one now..
What utter nonsense. The old Tribun was good fun and added a new dimention to playing DB. I never felt it was luck dependent. Now, as Helty says, it's just Cube with a roof. When will DavidM realise we don't want cube-sized maps all the time - Tribun is now awful and I hope someone convinces a server or two to use old Tribun instead...
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Post by GraGoyle|ZBN »

/me agrees with axl. The old tribun was way too fast, it lacked skill, and most of the gameplay was volleh spamming all over the pitch.
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1.7 - The verdict

Post by Onge »

I must say overall I'm more unhappy than I am happy with the new 1.7. Yes, there's a lot of cool new features like the new weapon, the stats and the post sounds, but these don't really make DB any more fun to play than before (I've yet to try Tennis).

I don't like the cameras at all, and I particularly don't like having to view from a camera when the other team scores. Why all of a sudden have servers disabled short-reset?

There is still floor-lag and having no crouch is a bit irritating too. But the thing that annoys me the most is the changes to the maps. Tribun is ruined, Smallcube is now ugly and the puddles in November have gone (the splash sound is still there). These map changes were not needed at all.

These may seem like little things, but they do effect my enjoyment of DB. Perhaps in time I'll grow to like the changes but sometimes change just for the sake of change is a bad thing.

Some bugs I've noticed:
- Time in spec screen is screwed
- I had the 'Worst Passer' award when I hadn't even touched the ball
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Post by Surge »

wow, you euors are all Volleywhores.... very game i play on the old Tribun has been a blast. Almost completely spam free! Sure theres the occasionally offshot that flies to nowhere but since the map was small it was quickly picked up and gameplay continued.
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Post by Surge »

David if you changed November without Ben's concent i do think he may be very mad.. infact i think i'll ask him when hes on later tonight.
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Post by Requiem »


I love 1.7, shooting is better, more tactical, no more noobcanon or boostgoals, now a goal is a true made goal.

Concerning the maps...yeah maybe new tribun is a bit too big, hum maybe let's have tribun & small tribun where small tribun is the old 1.

the 2 new maps are pretty fun, but i wanna see a clan war on it, it gonna be funny , especially on green ("legonfan strike back " for me :p )...i enjoy the 2 news maps

well, i just play 1 match on 1.7 (clanmatch) was very interesting, close score, teamplay with many passes...

well done, i like it \o/
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Post by Fruitcake »

i prefer old tribun .... this one feels sluggish and my fps is absolutely crap before it was 60 now its 25 :( its just a redecorated cube rather than a nice medium map
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Post by Diab »

surge likes to get people in the shit then, gotta hate people like that.

all i seen edited in november if any is the goal line like in cube, but i've only specced that map so far so i never really took a notice. oh and added cams. i also doubt he would be verry mas as the map was made for deathball = has to work with deathballs rules. its like using a dm map for bombing run...

as what req said, 1.7 is alot less spammy and overall better for this sort of game. suege just because you cannot boost goal or "ninja crap" now doesn't mean you have to bitch over it...oh hold on you bitched over every version in someway or another :D
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Post by Axl »

ice demon has been my favourite map for a while, looking forward to a match on it.. Greenbaize looks superb (Although DavidM put the "OLD" GB in, instead of the new one, with different adverts on the bottles, and players cant get off the pitch - Maybe u should have got tha latest one first :P) however GB is pretty poor in a clan match.. way to many ball resets to allow for a smooth flowing game, and the radar needs more work, like showing where the pbox is to help the keeper and defence..

Tribun i much prefer big, less spammy and pinball like.. Not noticed the puddles in november :s will look next time, hope they are still there, i liked them.. or maybe DavidM has made it so u can only see them in high gfx like cube?

Small cube, well, dont really play this, so not bothered, although i did like the old one better.

Cube & lowcube i prefer the new ones makes me wanna play cube now :)

As for the game in general, i much prefer it to version 1.6, feels more complete. 1.6 felt a little un-finished to me..
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Post by Diab »

tribun needed to be bigger but NOT nearly as big as cube. it was i think classed as a minimap that was good for 3v3's (like nov is good for 4v4 and lowcube 3v3 so on.)

i think next time you release db make tribun the size between the old and the new. so its like the size of november or something.
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

So far i like 1.7......i seems to be a lot more evenly balanced, and i dont see how map changes can affect your enjoyment of the game (i.e. the puddles in november) now if a map was made 4x bigger, that would affect enjoyment.

The only thing that bothers me about the new thing, is when someone scores (opposite team) it shots a chasecam of them, but its zoomed WAY in on them, all i see is a giant head on my screen (happened on chill)
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Post by Twigstir »

They did some very nice work. However, there are still some bugs. Some of them big. Feels like they rushed the release and a patch is needed.
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Post by YoYo789 »

funny thing is, this was the least rushed release of db i've seen. (which should be a good thing)