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Posted: 14-12-2003 11:26
by Dazlin
theberkin8or wrote: BLAH BLAH BLAH :p

i still score enough in clan matches :X and pickups \o/

Posted: 15-12-2003 11:28
by nameless
:lol: make a footballkeeper stand on the line while being in a 1on1 situation :lol:

Wondering where u c the skill. When u stand on the line 1on1, there is no SKILL at all. It s all about LUCK, dodging fast enough. That means u have to dodge BEFORE the attacker shoots, or u r too late to save it. Where is the SKILL u want to see there?

Just a hint: learn how to shoot :)

Posted: 15-12-2003 11:29
by DavidM
ehm.... there is skill in that, you missed that so far 0_o

i mean, i can see where someone is shooting before he released the ball....

Posted: 15-12-2003 11:46
by Bonkers
yeah. 1v1s aren't just a simple "dodge or not" :P

Posted: 15-12-2003 13:07
by f1end
DavidM wrote: ...i mean, i can see where someone is shooting before he released the ball....

...which is why I never actually aim at where i'm gonna put the ball 'till the last minute.

Posted: 15-12-2003 13:39
by Sixty
f1end wrote: ...which is why I never actually aim at where i'm gonna put the ball 'till the last minute.

So thats like 60 secs bfore :p gg

Posted: 15-12-2003 14:34
by Catalyst88
I just sort of aim and shoot... seems to work quite a lot ;). I've noticed morning star's been trying to run at the goal backwards then spin and shoot lately though :P

Posted: 15-12-2003 14:36
by f1end
Sixty wrote: So thats like 60 secs bfore :p gg

...yeah, with my lag atm, it's nessasary

Posted: 15-12-2003 14:55
by -plær-
Catalyst88 wrote: I've noticed morning star's been trying to run at the goal backwards then spin and shoot lately though :P

s'nothing compared to my 360. If *you* don't know where you're aiming there's no way the keeper is going to know either! :D
I tried experimenting with a 540, but my mouse fell off the edge of the desk...

Posted: 15-12-2003 15:28
by Messy
yup..did the same x_X

Been trying 360 volleys .o/

Can't aim for shit -.-

Posted: 15-12-2003 16:51
by RaGe|DB
dont u mean 180's? :p like me \o/

Posted: 15-12-2003 17:24
by Catalyst88
GO FOR THE 900! :D

Posted: 15-12-2003 17:44
by BlackFlame

Posted: 15-12-2003 17:56
by theberkin8or
not that is really matters but I wasn't talking about 1 v 1's they are couply different beast. one in which if you jump out there is little chance they aren't going to get a nice rebound and score on you. Not to meantion football keepers don't have a magnet around them that can cover a good half of the goal when they are close. AND the fact that you can't "chip"/lob the ball over the keepers head becuase the keeper can dodge back..... actually you know now that i think about it... my idea would be MORE like football becuase how many keepers do you know that can commit themselves to defending (aka coming out/attacking the ball) and then be able to come back in less than a second to stop others shots... maybe a few but not many. Most once they commit themselves they pretty much have to get the ball or the other team gets a an open goal for @ least 2 seconds (becuase most often they go to ground) wrote more than i planed to but still i think i made my point

Ooo and a simple aim then shoot somewhere else works quite often... all you go to do is sometimes swtich it up, so that the keepper doesn't know if you are going to change shooting directions or not, and you don't always have to go for the corners either

Posted: 15-12-2003 19:36
by nameless
DavidM wrote: ehm.... there is skill in that, you missed that so far 0_o

i mean, i can see where someone is shooting before he released the ball....
