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Posted: 10-05-2003 14:47
by =KeX=Joker
uhh rather small map...:confused:

Posted: 10-05-2003 16:56
by Armagon
It's ideal for 2-6 players, so of course it's small. Personally, I like small maps.

Posted: 10-05-2003 18:04
by The Hermit
'tis meant to be small and FAST! Certainly gets frantic playing with just bots. :eek:

Posted: 11-05-2003 06:38
by Armagon
Yes indeedy. :D
Even the pathetic bots posed a challenge on this map in 2v2.

Posted: 11-05-2003 09:24
by The Hermit
Try and imagine how hard it would be if the AI was even close to UT2003 standards... :eek:
I'd certainly lower my skill level when playing it! ;)

Posted: 11-05-2003 11:43
by Armagon
lol, wouldn't it be cool if DB reached the level of popularity that Counter-strike reached? I can just see Epic purchasing the rights to the completely bug-free Deathball mod and turning it into a stand-alone game.
Sure chances of that are slim, but I think it'd be kinda cool.

Posted: 11-05-2003 14:04
by Alars
first, the Deathball formula needs to be pefectd and the community heeds to agree on something soon or more people will lose interest in DB


Posted: 25-05-2003 12:58
by Armagon
I'm just curious, how far off is the final release? :confused:

Posted: 25-05-2003 14:53
by The Hermit
I've actually stopped doing anything with DB, untill DavidM and the rest of the team get their act together and sort out the many problems with this mod.
There are now less people on the servers than before Christmass and Version 1.3b. The gameplay has had some extreme changes done to it which effect what makes a good map design, especially if you're trying to avoid Cube clones. This not only hacks off players who have to learn new skills, but also mappers who find what was a nicely balanced map has to be re-balanced everytime a new version comes out.
So until they finalise this mod I'm not doing anything else but play the occasional game...


Posted: 25-05-2003 15:00
by Armagon
It saddens me to hear that, but I understand your reasons.

Posted: 25-05-2003 19:19
by The Hermit
I'll still help you out though if your not sure of something. ;)