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Posted: 16-10-2003 09:56
by [1234]Jr
meh, u all suck, we never had a 2nd team and noone to borrow from and we STILL beat half of Div 1 :)

Owned ;) not :)

p.s The idea of teams, to me, is so everyone gets a game.. not so u can swap players. If u wanna swap players then stay as 1 team..

:noob: :hmmmz: ::Pfffff:: :blabla:

lame :devil:

EDIT: Keepers are rare these days, if ur clan has 2 keepers and 2 team then you should be able to trade.. if u have 2 teams and 4 keepers then u shudnt :) Thats your teams fault :p

We had 1 keeper and 1 team, he left, we got fuxed :P

Posted: 16-10-2003 12:22
by Imo
It's a benefit to have two teams. You can have two squads of around 7 players which means most players get a decent amount of DBL games. If you run into player problems due to work, school or other commitments you can borrow from your other squad.

If you have one squad of 14 players, sure, you will always have a team to play in the DBL but each player won't get many games.

I personally would like to play as many DBL games as possible, but quite often get stuck at work late. Much like some of my other team mates.

I play the game for fun and it's no fun when a) you don't have a team for a DBL game and miss a scheduled game and b) when you don't get a game in the DBL cause you have so many team mates.

Two teams isn't a bad thing.

Posted: 16-10-2003 17:28
by [1234]Jr
It is when the above happens, though, there are limits on having 2 teams..but they havent been properly defined.. which is something the DB peeps will have to look at for Season 3 :)

Posted: 17-10-2003 13:57
by Cenotaph
i always said from the beggining this should be a clan-based system, teams can just be confusing....

Posted: 19-10-2003 23:12
by Pyroteknik
well back when we had two squads we used to only swap players within the laws and didn't ever swap because so and so was better player.

however i think the easiest way of sorting out this problem is to just define the rule and stick to it. same with all the rules, define them, and thats it, no exceptions. done.

while i appreciate streaver's offer of giving fcu the promotion spot, i'd like to think that all of fcu will agree with me when i say thank you, but no thanks we wanna earn that promotion not win it by default. then again if u guys aren't able to take that promotion cos of a lack of members etc, then gimme that sweet sweet div 1 action : )


Posted: 20-10-2003 11:42
by Streaver
Pyro: This is exactly the kind of attitude I always liked in your clan.:p

When I submitted that comment, White was about to brake up /most of its players had left already/, and I've realized that U guys are going to loose 3 points (U had 1 loss and 1 win), while we wouldnt loose any, coz both ZBN and Wh beat us in the 1st and 2nd leg.

This of course means that FCU cant catch up with us even if U guys beat us in the last game, but it is purely because of bad luck /had Wh lasted only a bit longer, it would be different now/, especially since the 2 teams were so close to each other on the scoreboard throughout the whole season.

Posted: 20-10-2003 18:37
by Pyroteknik
we noticed that too, while i'd be lying if i said i didn't want promotion, and also lying if i said i didn't think that the system which resulted in us losing the points we got for beating wh is wrong, because if you've won the games you stand to lose out but if you've lost you lose nothing, which results in everyone who's done their job and won the game ends up with nothing to show for it.

I know that not one single player who has declared their intentions to stay in FCU is not up for that dog fight for promotion next season :)

thanks for the complementary comments about FCU streaver, sF were one of the first teams i ever played against and one of the nicest :) i'm sorry to hear that you guys are having problems at the moment, hopefully you'll come thru them.