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Posted: 05-10-2003 18:37
by BurntLeaf
I wasnt sure what do do like last time, so I just pasted it on with all the white, how do I just cut the character out :o

Posted: 05-10-2003 19:09
by Chick-kun
in the settings for the magic wand, theres a slider to adjust how much it takes of one color (vague i know) cause i havent got ps7 installed X_x
just increase it and select the white and ctrl + shift + i

Posted: 05-10-2003 20:40
by XiLLeRaToR
ctrl + shift + i to inverse it, then copy that

Posted: 05-10-2003 22:35
by Armagon
I already knew about all these tricks, but I went and did one anyway, as I'm trying to improve my Photoshop skills.

Posted: 06-10-2003 00:28
by Catalyst88
*whistles* (Okay so it was done by Zaccix ages ago but I'm not noted for my artistic skillz ;) )

Posted: 06-10-2003 14:31
by NightBoY
hmm, my first banner ;)

Posted: 06-10-2003 15:26
by f1end
OMG....Photoshop n00bs!!!11 (J/K)

Don't use majic wand for sux serious ass...u just try it on a print rez image, u'll see what i mean ;)

Go up to the "filter" menu (ps7) and select "extract"...then draw round the model with the pen tool (doesn't matter if u are acurate or not tbh as long as the outline is covered)...then fill the area u want to "OK"...then hey-presto...cut out image. :)

Another way is with the layers pallette, but this only works well if u have a flat colour behind that is not in the model.

[smug] P.S. I have had official Adobeā„¢ training) [/smug]

Posted: 06-10-2003 15:40
by RaGe|DB
omg u guys suck more
ok do this
ctrl + alt + x

then do "smart highlighting" off u go
nobody knows this for some reason
but u guys WILL thank me


btw, i made this in 2 minutes :d
the below one :p and the upper one /o\

Posted: 06-10-2003 17:24
by FeEdiKo
RaGe|DB wrote: omg u guys suck more
ok do this
ctrl + alt + x

then do "smart highlighting" off u go
nobody knows this for some reason
but u guys WILL thank me


btw, i made this in 2 minutes :d
the below one :p and the upper one /o\

idd, looks like 2 minutes... :eek:

Posted: 06-10-2003 17:32
by XiLLeRaToR
idd rage, that would explain why its so shit:x

Posted: 06-10-2003 20:30
by RaGe|DB
o_O aha, its decent
not what i can say of ur "flashy" *kuch* sig

Posted: 06-10-2003 21:05
by FeEdiKo
it's n00bish... background + stolen 3d-model + ps-3d-render + pattern + simple text

great work :p

but everyone started with doing that, so no offence ;)

Posted: 06-10-2003 21:10
by RaGe|DB
LOL fuck off, nerd :/ i do this longer then u
its my work when i started to do it 2 weeks
i do it 2 years now

Posted: 06-10-2003 21:11
by RaGe|DB
btw :p ur sig
stolen background
from map duh
some text :/

Posted: 06-10-2003 21:19
by FeEdiKo
lol i've doing stuff with ps over 2 years too (a shame that my hdd crahed so i can't show youmy early works /o\)

and why are you posting your works you've done more than 1,5 years ago? 0_o

my sig... yeah took my like 4 minutes but if you look at the details you would see that it's more than just a background with a text on it... :confused:

but ffs, calm down... can't you take any criticism?

and btw: i think xill's sig is kinda good. looks like a ps-action tho...