a little grafic thing... show me...

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a little grafic thing... show me...

Post by Ker]v[et »

your banner ... somethink like mine here

:eek: come on and show me :)

but: musst be according with deathball... have fun!
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

you mean signature?

mines right here

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Post by RaGe|DB »

this is mine :o
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Post by BurntLeaf »

Hey, I know I'm dumb and all but...How exactly do you get pictures of the DB Ball and players in signatures? :X
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Post by Hugi »

thats what i also wanna know xD
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Post by Ars3h »

copy and paste. edit. more compying and pasting
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Post by RaGe|DB »

:/ WHERE CAN U FIND THE MODEL, he means lol
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Post by Ars3h »

dude rage. he said: How exactly do you get pictures of the DB Ball and players in signatures?

he didnt say where can i find them :S
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Post by [1234]Jr »

What DocSavage did for us ages ago, was to make a map that has a room that is totally black/white/green any colour that wasnt in the skin.. with a mirror on one wall then all you would do is look in the mirror and you'd get the skin with the black/white/green/colour background

Nowadays, if i want a pic of a model i'll cut it out in PSP/PS .. which is hard (if u not got steady hands like me :)) goin round someone with an erazer ;)

PS. my sig sucks :lol:
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Post by fro »

cant do the mirror thing anymore cos the engine doesnt display mirrors (too many polys to render i think)
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Post by Maegrim »

ued views models, not the best but its usable ;)
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Post by BurntLeaf »

But but..kerm has a ball, a goal and a dudette all lined up coolnessly.

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Post by Ker]v[et »

@ Rage, well nice gfx.. but no deathball stuff in it :rolleyes:

For they who have no idear how to make such a signature-banner here a little easy tutorial idear "how i would do that"... i used photoshop, but that steps will work with other programms too!

1st of all u need an image with a skin that u want to have in the banner, i choosed my one from a radom screenshot from a tennis game :p -> http://www.kermet.de/howto/1.jpg

If u havent any screenshots make f.e. a botmatch against bots with the skin you want and make some screenshots... or from record demos.

Well, i startet my graficprogramm, cut my skin out and flipped it. Than in used that "magic-wall" tool (or magic-cut, whatever its called in ur programm, but everyone have such a tool) and cuted out the outside around the skin


On the next step i copy'ed the cuted skin into a new white background image.
Than i just resized it so its suitable to the bannersize (like if the banner has a high of 100 try sizes like 80 to 120)

Then i open a new empty background where i copy all the thinks to. Fill it with a background Color and copy finally the resized, cutted, skin-image into the banner.. on my examble it looked like that:


Ok, on the next i decided to put a deathball into the picture i got one from "TAC|FaKe" he made good work cuting it out *g* (made a lot work!), again i resized it and copyed it in.


looks like there is misssing somethinkg to fill it out...

i put in my clannick with the text-tool with a nice font and got a goal which i easyly get while i "flyed" through the cube map and make via "print-button" a screenshot and use "paste" of my graficprogram to get it in, as a image.

I made the same things again, cuting... resize.. etc. and paste it into the banner image...
.. to fade it into the background i used the "opacity" tool!


and done it is! ;)

to let it look realy well you need to invest more time into this steps and bring more details into it!

try it :D


Post by Golde[nG]un »

what font is this ?
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Post by Sixty »

How do u get the skin on a white background?
I tryed to copy it but its very hard to cut precisly across the line :(