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Posted: 02-07-2003 19:52
by Jerkoff
^^ I think this is all what Surge has been trying to tell you for months :D :D :D
(sry Surge, couldn't resist. I'm on your side! :)) :D :D :D :lol:

Don't ignore surge, it's his way of giving feedback, im sure. Use his negative energy in a positive way, or something like that, lol.

Posted: 02-07-2003 20:20
by hiausd
pfft surge I can do plenty by myself in pubs on O and D :p

Posted: 02-07-2003 21:09
by Jerkoff
Can u dribble? Have u mastered Teh 1.3b Quad? If not, young grasshopper, you must learn the basics... you are but a DB virgin... lol. j/k

Posted: 02-07-2003 23:50
by Xelent

Posted: 02-07-2003 23:58
by InSaNe


Posted: 03-07-2003 00:46
by theberkin8or
huh? must be an inside joke

Posted: 03-07-2003 06:51
by Jerkoff

Posted: 03-07-2003 07:30
by [V3]Sin
i was in goal for november! and it was very funny.. think we won about 13-5 or summit


Posted: 03-07-2003 09:03
by Axl
yeah i do in goal.. only letting 5 in is amazing for me! think i did about 23 saves tho :)

Posted: 03-07-2003 13:16
by BL44T
this is like a real Surge thread :/

Posted: 03-07-2003 15:24
by Afflictor
wow, didnt know tezc is winning games anyway ;)

Posted: 03-07-2003 15:37
by Axl
crazy stuff huh? :P

Posted: 03-07-2003 17:46
by theberkin8or
13 to 5 OMG YOU SUCK axl that is a v3 thing, when they played pw they lost to them 13 to 5 and someone said this and it was spammed to no end for about 2 weeks

Posted: 03-07-2003 18:53
by Axl
:) doesnt bother me anyway, more important things to care about than a kid whos just learnt how to use caps lock :p

Posted: 04-07-2003 06:36
by R3L!K
Axl's a great keep!

This is the problem with statistics, people think they can make judgements on players based on a single set of numbers.

One statistic based on one game doesnt mean shit. I wonder if you know why.....