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Posted: 12-11-2004 11:31
by StRaFe
Hmmmm didnt read the posts but, when joining your name is the colour of a spec if you say something the moment you join. Just being picky though \o/

Posted: 17-11-2004 02:38
by Dragonmaster0283
I posted this in the General Discussion for 2.3 but though this was a bug and postin it here.
Link to other Thread

One thing wether its a bug or not is that i noticed in 2.2 and now in 2.3 is that the Ball Time and Time of Possession only counts up after a person has either shot or passed the ball but doesnt count up when a player Is currently carrying the ball only after he gets rid of it.

Posted: 29-11-2004 10:44
by Armagon
The ball code seems to be a bit buggy in 2.3. On more than one occasion when I'm pinging at my usual good levels the ball has gone right through me when keeping. I have also encountered problems where I'd walk right across the ball on the spawn point and it would fail to pick it up until I made a second or even third attempt. Both of these bugs have happened to me in offline play also.

Posted: 29-11-2004 17:30
by XiD
When I score a goal and its during the celebration phase, you can shoot the ball very slowly with LMB so you run very slow. The problem is this carries over to the next respawn, so it handicaps my boosting and slows me down. Not a real big bug but it needs to be fixed imho.

[edit] and the hammerbug (repeated hammerfire) is bigger than ever! it seems like every mixer I have there is always one or two people that get it!

Posted: 06-12-2004 06:11
by Heretic
um... cant pick up ball... like... its like holding down rightclick so to reflect... but i dont have the rc held down... even with a dead ball...

Posted: 06-12-2004 06:11
by DavidM
You mean when the ball is almost dead?

Posted: 06-12-2004 06:14
by Heretic
DavidM wrote: You mean when the ball is almost dead?

um no... is dead... like on the ground not moving dead...

Posted: 06-12-2004 17:29
by fb.shev
davidm said in other post but u might not read it but..

hammer bug. got it last night in ceb dbl match, and it costed us a goal (we won dont worry guys.) :P

its the first time ive had it since 1.6 probably, so i dunno if anyone else has it.. i know sina does tho

Posted: 07-12-2004 14:07
by SupaHonn
dunno if said yet but when u have the ball and u tick lmb and fire it slow u keep on walkin slow as if u had the ball for a few secs

Posted: 07-12-2004 14:15
by f1end
lmao...that was introduced at 1.5 i believe to discourage "dribbling", and I believe it's only 0.75 secs

Posted: 17-12-2004 14:23
by Jelly
i tried a bug (only two times) where i killed an enemy in the center of the pitch and he died and he didnt have the ball and i only hit him once and he had 100 % health. (breath!)

Posted: 18-12-2004 16:19
by fb.shev
err explain?

btw, everyone knows about it, but if i dodge back into the goal, then try to jump couple of times to reach a wallpass, the bar stops me,

in the aov pickup, everytime i jumped next to the goal, i hit the bar O_o
its fun

,., but more annoying