
Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by XiD »

1. A bug everyone knows about, but seems to not be addressed every patch for some odd reason. The bug where a player joins and the entire "<name> has joined" list pops up and floods the screen. It happens quite often and is very annoying.

2. When the "Spectator has joined the game/" comment comes up, there's just a typo at the end - the /

3. The bug where you bounce the ball off a wall to volley it but the game takes 1-2 seconds to register you dont have the ball anymore (clicking again will register the very beginning of a LMB charged shot noise). I think this has to do with lag, but i've never experienced it before 2.1.

4. Spawn ontop of the ball, you "have" the ball but you can't pass it (you dont even get targetting reticules, or the ability to shoot/pass). If you let it reset by standing in your pbox for 5+ seconds, the passing reticules come up as if you have the ball.

5. Reconnect bug still exists. (join server after mapchange, get disconnected, must reconnect to join).

Just some observations, sorry if there are already workings to fix it.
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Post by Goldeneye »

6. The bug where you keep volley spamming but don't hear a sound is still in :| got it in a 3on3 in smallcube today, when i respawned after an opponent's goal at the center start - and nearly scored an owngoal :@
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Post by speedy »

7. fix the one where tv don't fix these bugs :D
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Post by CorDawg »

8. the clicking on a deathball:// link opening deathball still takes you to main menu instead of joining a server. IT always worked for me until 2.1 but u said the bug wasnt important enough to be fixed for 2.2
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Post by InSaNe` »

9. sometimes when I open DB, my mouse moves but doesn't click, I can move it freely but when I click online nothing happens.
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Post by fb.shev »

10. goal post bug on vincinity radar

11. when we try to bounce and it fails when we release our finger it releases the ball (but i would think thats hard to fix)

12. i was sweeping for 23 twice in a 23vsPU and i could use blinking rmb and its got worse since it got fixed.
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Post by Sixty »

InSaNe` wrote: 9. sometimes when I open DB, my mouse moves but doesn't click, I can move it freely but when I click online nothing happens.

Nothing to do with DB, press Escape twice and there you go. You probably alt-tabbed out or opened another program while starting up DB/UT2k4.
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Post by XiD »

13. You only get 1 jump on your first set of jumps off of a ball spawn. You must land after your first jump to start jumping again. (In VO games, i've had it where i can't grab the first wallbounce above me)
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Post by PHiLø »

vo sucks tho
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Post by CorDawg »

xid, i remeber that 2 jump bug back then, i thought it was fixed

in fact im like 99% sure its fixed
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Post by XiD »

it happens to me daily. and i dont get 2 jumps, i get only one.
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Post by dildo »

eh this kinda hard to explain but, when your keeper and u duck, then volley its like your camera moves a bit backwards and u see the golden shine of keepr thing, dunno if its bug but i think so, btw u have to duck each time again if u dont see in first volley, mayb its just my pc i dunno :D
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Post by sergeantduke »

I was playing a botmatch this morning with Stop Carrier enabled, on the Touchdown maps. This gives it somewhat of the feel of Ultimate Frisbee, except when the bots disregard Stop Carrier and start moving with the ball. This happened a moderate amount of times, enough that it was noticeable, but not enough to severely hamper gameplay.
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Post by Messy »

Anyone else think it would be cool if we actually had an ultimate frisbee mode? =P

Could be played on a touchdown kind of map, where the ball touching the ground results in a turn-over, and ball-carrier is impeded \o/

Random movement/weather elements couldn't be implemented though :(


Anyway..the bots are still able to walk with Impede Ball Carrier? o_O (or Stop Carrier..whatever it's apparently called nowadays)
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Post by sergeantduke »

Ultimate Frisbee mode would pwn. In my experience, the bots were able to move, although most of the time they stood in place like they were supposed to.