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Posted: 09-07-2004 20:38
by Lougie
Smells like warfare?!


Posted: 09-07-2004 22:06
by CripTonic
What about a "no keeper" mode where a blocking volume is put around the keeper boxes for both teams and a mesh is put infront of the nets with a wall with holes in it or something like that.

it would force people to play more at mid field because if it eve got farther downfield it would be farely easy to score but still prevent long shots.

Posted: 09-07-2004 23:52
by Inphidel
lol that could work but if the ball stops on the ground in the no walkinto zone then you'd hafta wait for reset

I thought about making a map like that with a mover going left to right in the box liek a paper keeper :)

no desire tho

Posted: 09-07-2004 23:54
by Inphidel
looking good ren :)

you making the bomb explotion hurt people around him?
and will the keep be affected by the bomb ball?

Posted: 10-07-2004 00:04
by Rens2Sea
My name is Rens

and yes yes.

Posted: 14-07-2004 12:42
by Vash
one mode of volleyball? :D::Pfffff::

Posted: 14-07-2004 13:16
by Messy

Something I missed just there? =/
What do you mean Vash?