Game Mode Ideas

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Game Mode Ideas

Post by Inphidel »

Here are a few idea I think would spice things up for more -pub- fun style games. I can't code, so if anyone wants to make a Mutator or whatever, please do! :)

Non-Stop Mode: Ball respawns at goal, no celebrations, no respawning back on d, game continues where it left off. creating a heckteck but I think it would be fun game.

Tug of War: when a team scores it adds 1 to their team and subtracts one from the other. (woud be best with a score limit of 5 or 10)

Bomb Ball: You have three seconds to shoot or pass the ball, or you explode, dropflagging the ball.
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Post by DavidM »

1. ehm, respawns at goal? at which goal? when? what happens to killed players?

2. ehm, i guess not, there is no motivation to play for a certain team if you swap all th e time

3. yeah, can be fun for a change
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Post by Progman »

DavidM, u missunderstood at point 2 ;)

He mean to add 1 "Point", not "Player", to the team, so there is always 0 Points, if u add them both together. Like:

Game starts:

0:0 -> team score
1:-1 -> again
2:-2 -> other team score
1:-1 -> but the other is better...
2:-2 -> its realy good

and so on. Like in Mircomachines: if u lose one round, the other guy get the point.

But i dont understand the "non-stop" mode, or maybe doesn't understand it complete...
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Post by Inphidel »

haha i mean the ball respawns at the respawn. like it was shot outa field. cept there is a goal. players stay where they are. so they gotta run back to the ball spawn to get the ball. thus you really need defense or a hanger will have a free chance at the ball. or atleast want a midfielder.

i meant respawn when a goal happens :) mb
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Post by Achilles »

I like point 3 anti-ego :)
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Post by Messy »

All 3 are worth trying, I like that last one best (fits DB best :) lots of passing, better than the failed impede ballcarrier thing ;))

Post by Panda »

Very much like all three of those ideas, well done Inphidel.

Wouldn't be too difficult for a coder to implement would they?

Only problem I can see with this is the possibility that it could split up the community if for instance half the people want to play tug of war mode while the rest of the community remain dedicated to the normal mode...
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Post by Messy »

Nah I guess it'd just be a pub-only thing.

It'd be like Gibball (but less popular obviously) or something: Played occasionally.

Normal Deathball will always be the main attraction.
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Post by Inphidel »

well with UnrealVote or whatnot that imagnos uses on BUD its very easy to vote diffferent modes. just keep a server to default normal DB when it resets or whatnot.
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Post by Inphidel »

oh yeah and tug of war I didn't mean trading players. just like this

Red team - Blue team
0 / 0
Red team scores
1 / -1
Red team scores
2 / -2
Blue team scores
1 / -1
Blue team scores
0 / 0
Blue team scores
-1 / 1

Essentially you need to score goals in a row to win. before time runs out or whoever has the most will win. so with a score limit of like 5 or 10 would actually be very hard to win cuz your talking scoring 5 or 10 times in a row not allowing the other team a goal.
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Post by Imaginos »

I'm still holding out for my beloved Gibball, but that sortof "hot-potato" style suggestion sounds interesting too..
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Post by DavidM »

"He mean to add 1 "Point", not "Player", to the team, so there is always 0 Points, if u add them both together"

ya ok, then its pointless.....most useless mod ever :)
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Post by R3L!K »

so basically it just means a goal is worth 2 points rather than 1.


option 3 is ok. may just promote more self volleying tho
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Post by beefsack »

i think all the options are interesting ideas but might take a bit more refining :p

Non-Stop Mode: interesting idea, would make for a crazy spam match. only real problem would be people camping at the bomb spawn and volleying at the goal :p it would be mad if right after it respawns in the center a toned down redeemer explosion happens too so people who are too close get gibbed and its a race to the ball. that sounds pretty interesting actually, it would make a fun mutator for the proper game :p

Tug-of-War: it wouldnt work as it is but it sounds cool. maybe have it so the tug of war score is different from the actual score, so you score a point when the opposing team reaches 0. would need for each team to start on a score of 2 or 3 for the tug of war, i think that could be fun

bomb ball sounds cool by itself

gg to anyone who read this far :p
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Post by Inphidel »

bombball might need 5 seconds instead of 3, cuz charging time.

tug of war could work. but it'd be best to rid of points all togeather and create a scoreboard like this

Match Starts At Middle
Blue []---+---+---+---+---[O]---+---+---+---+---[] Red
Red Scores
Blue []---+---+---+---+---[+]---O---+---+---+---[] Red
Red Scores
Blue []---+---+---+---+---[+]---+---O---+---+---[] Red
Blue Scores
Blue []---+---+---+---+---[+]---O---+---+---+---[] Red
Blue Scores
Blue []---+---+---+---+---[O]---+---+---+---+---[] Red
Blue Scores
Blue []---+---+---+---O---[+]---+---+---+---+---[] Red
Blue Scores
Blue []---+---+---O---+---[+]---+---+---+---+---[] Red
Blue Scores
Blue []---+---O---+---+---[+]---+---+---+---+---[] Red
Blues Scores
Blue []---O---+---+---+---[+]---+---+---+---+---[] Red
Blue Scores
Blue [O]---+---+---+---+---[+]---+---+---+---+---[] Red

Blue Is Winner