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Posted: 18-04-2004 20:19
by Messy
Make it not shake on a locked pass, make the charge time 0.4, or 0.6, just not 0.8, bit too long imo.

Was thinking about this a week ago :p good idea imo.

edit: aww..seems like people already went ahead and posted *my* ideas :p ;)

Posted: 18-04-2004 20:42
by DavidM
it has to be the same shaketime as on the normal shot. you get a certain feeling for the shaketime, and this feeling will fail if the shaketime is different on every shot. 0.9 shaktime on fire and altfire-without-lock then I guess.

Posted: 18-04-2004 21:06
by Rino
I think the teamplay is near to be perfect atm and this idea would make it slow, i'd prefer no... but dunno... let's try and see?

Posted: 18-04-2004 23:20
by [1234]Jr
Messy wrote: Make it not shake on a locked pass..

I agree with that....but theres probably no use in that cos the lock system sucks :(

:lol: heres a good idea: If it aint a lock on you cant use RMB :lol:

That'd be the single greatest change ever

..not.. :D well actually...:hmmmz:

Posted: 19-04-2004 02:04
by theberkin8or
um pass shot is a valuable tool for O and is defendable, if they get close enough to get a pass shot the D made a mistake, the same can be said of Shake on regular shots. I am sorry if you have trouble timing your hits right but if you want defense to be easy why not just give them all instant kill. I wish you would focus on the fact taht it can be done easly if you time correctly(which means it is balanced), not on the fact taht you have trouble with it.

Shaking on passes would totally screw up what db is now.. for those of us that actually like db this is not a good thing. if you get caught with two ppl on you and you get hit you are screwed, you have no chance to make a play (unless you want to force ppl to use prim fire pass which is crap).

Davidm you are really scaring me atm, you seem to have gone back to your old ways (which gave us such wonderful versons as 1.5). 1.9b is good and is not unfair to anyone on the feild if that person takes the time to learn how to play with the rules set. Why do feel the need to change things?

Posted: 19-04-2004 03:19
by Weisso
seems like a logical idea to me, if shake affects one type of shot, it should affect all....people just complain about change too much


Posted: 19-04-2004 03:24
by an_old_man
Shake pass is a stupid idea. You are going to end up with 1 point games.

If your teams D sux so much that the only way you can stop a play is with shake pass, then you shouldnt be playing Deathball.

Posted: 19-04-2004 03:50
by Weisso
if your offense has any ability, they will be able to bump away the d before the pass comees to them, thus leaving them time before having to get passes around.....if anything, this will create a far faster paced game, as people will be passing around down the field, rather then waltzing around, getting hit, passing it back, repeat, etc.

Posted: 19-04-2004 04:08
by priior
i cant believe everyone's (berk) panties in a bunch on this...

HOW OFTEN are you in a situation where you use ur rigth click button as a shot from far away enough that the shake would actually make a difference?

cuz if u were in the pbox.. there is no shake.. its a kill. use your head guys (berk).


Posted: 19-04-2004 04:16
by an_old_man
Well I try and wait for good passes and not just get rid of the ball, and a lot of the times ill take a hit before passing. So this shake pass will really mess up ppl that try to make smart plays, and not quick ones.

Posted: 19-04-2004 04:36
by priior
no shake if u have a lock.

shake only if u hit right mouse button without a lock.

i really cannot see how the gameplay would be that different. peopel bitch because it has become a national sport to do so :)

Posted: 19-04-2004 05:30
by Dream Killer
Priior's right. . . and the good old USA is gonna take home the gold. :p

Posted: 19-04-2004 05:39
by an_old_man
reading davidms first post its undecided if its going to be with or without lock

Posted: 19-04-2004 06:45
by priior
u gotta rea all he posts not just the first one :) (or just the title in berk's case:)

Posted: 19-04-2004 07:04
by theberkin8or
I sorta appologize, I was just really frustrated with the renewed changing of deathball gameplay(which for the record i still don't agree with). This was becuase I was under the impression that it was done, and that we could just enjoy it like it was. I also was really looking forward to some new people coming into deathball but when i starting seeing changes it maybe me worry that we would go through another verson like 1.5 which would kill the new deathball.

That being said, I have no problem with non locked shots being shaked, it is really useless code becuase it is pretty much useless in game (just make sure a bug isn't introduced). The time doesn't need be the same as gun shake though becuase shooting and using pass shot are very different actions thus won't be contected in a players brain (thus no problem). Make sure there is some indiction of when it is safe to pass shot though (a simple change of the cross hairs would be enough and would actually be nice for regular shake too). The shake time for reg shots still shouldn't have been changed (i will atempt to make that arguement in another thread) and certianly shouldn't be changed to every time you get hit while charging that you get shaked (that would make d so easy anyone with half a brain could do it).