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Posted: 14-10-2003 18:10
by GoldenGun
eh ^^

Posted: 14-10-2003 18:56
by [GR]Kermit
GazMaN wrote: 1: Sf borrowed players, not AoV

2: i doubt Sf would have used one of our players unless they were desperate, i know them and they are all good freinds and they wouldnt drop one of their players just to use a player from our squad

1) yes sry it was sf

2) but why there was in 3 of 4 games a spec from SF?

Posted: 14-10-2003 18:59
by Streaver
The way I see it, when others do it its okay, but when we do it its totally lame, likewise ourselves.
I remember Bloody from 3dg|rr playing for 3dg|o_0 against us in the first leg this season, and none of us complaining for that because we knew 3dg|o_0 only applied the rules. None of us cared if they could have played without him. I also think (probably Im wrong, and no screenshot now to check) that someone from rr (a keeper maybe) played for 3dg|bp in the first leg against us too.

Out of the 5 matches when MorningStar played for us (and there wont be more, coz Im aware of what the rule says), we could have played without him only on the last 2 games.
On the first 3 games (including both the 3dg|o_0 and the 3dg|bp matches) we lacked our sweeper (Colmonkey, who is the only sweeper in our team) so our defense was weaker then ever dispite having Star up front who is an extraordinary attacker. (therefore I honestly think sf scored and got more goals on these matches then we usually do)

That leaves us with 2 games, where we could in fact have played without any assist from AoV (Colmonkey was back), and feel free to call us lamers, whores or wathever U like because of that, though we still didnt break any rules.
On these 2 last games a 5th sF member (Chamber) was infact online (thats why Im saying we could have possibly played with a full sf squad), but the last time he played for us in a war was in june. He didnt play any DB for months after that and started to play some games on pickups again only recently. Therefore he specifically asked me not to play, though if we wouldnt had any other options left, I probably could have convinced him to do so.
Is he still an sf member? - Yes, because we dont dismiss any of our long-time friends based on his level of play.

And just 1 more thing: we had many difficulties this season, coz most of our members just dont play much Db any more (work, family,etc.). We used to play many fw -s earlier, but in the last 4 months we hardly played any, simply because we usually dont have enough players :/ Dispite that (basically no practice at all), I always tried to get enough players together for at least the league matches, but sometimes just couldnt.
If we gonna get one of the promotion spots, and ppl think it would be because MorningStar played for us on these games, then feel free to give it to another team (FCU - a clan I truly respect would certainly deserve that, because they have worked so hard), especially since Im not entirely sure if we would be still around to play another season.

Posted: 14-10-2003 19:08
by NaB
kermit dont be a fool, sF only have 1 semi-active player (somone who plays games other than pickups) the rest are all good long time (adult) friends who turn up for matches. its very difficult for us to arrange matches cos of ppl's real life comitments and we've often had to reschedule our matches to death to find a good time for both teams. we've used the rule to get our matches played, some games we won, some we lost. the past few weeks have been particulary hard because (imo) our most important player has had to work away from home 5-6 days of the week so its made it very hard for us to arrange matches.

plus, we've played matches against the 3dg teams where u borrowed bloody (1st division attacker) and imo we would have won had you not. difference is we didnt complain.

[edit] got in just before me stormi, and you put forward a much more impressive argument as usual :)

Posted: 14-10-2003 20:56
by Hugi
im not interessted in this discussion but @ streaver: our name is 3dg|o_O and not 3dg|o_0 ;) ^^

Posted: 14-10-2003 21:09
by Streaver
Sorry about that Hugi, I'll keep that in my mind :)

Posted: 14-10-2003 21:30
by [GR]Kermit
Streaver wrote: None of us cared if they could have played without him. I also think (probably Im wrong, and no screenshot now to check) that someone from rr (a keeper maybe) played for 3dg|bp in the first leg against us too.

hey it's complete right, but
1) we thought the rule was differnt
2) we had not enough players
okay it was a fault
So but 3dg|bp has at the moment 5 active (since today 1 new trail but who cares) and we play every time with same team because we want to win and to loose on our own.
And if u look at the scale before MorningStar played for SF and if u see it on that way it seems you put MorningStar in your team to get promoted and i didn't say it's against the rules.
I just said in my point of view it's lame.
It's true we could borrow each game a keeper from 3dg|rr, but i decided in my job as a squad leader to play with me in the goal and to do our best.
And i have to say sorry because i didn't know that you have so huge problems to get a team.

Posted: 14-10-2003 22:11
by themachine
im sorry but ive got to be the first person to say this..... One man does not make a team.

Posted: 14-10-2003 22:23
by Requiem
but one star is enough to make the sky clearer

omg, poetry :lol:

Posted: 15-10-2003 00:12
by GazMaN
if noone passed to star he would suk severe anus!!!

he still needs teamates to help him do his job :)

o and @ reqqy, i think i love u

Posted: 15-10-2003 00:46
by Requiem

Posted: 15-10-2003 18:40
by Morning*Star
lame cubed? o_O

Posted: 15-10-2003 19:29
by Cenotaph
weird math :p

Posted: 16-10-2003 02:55
by FireCell
tbh, everyone is borrowing players.. they just as lame as the next clan..

Posted: 16-10-2003 08:43
by Sixty
thats exactly why it sux, why not just have a clan-based league, when your team has good memebers, u win, when u dont, u loose ::Pfffff::