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Posted: 19-07-2003 21:05
by jet2lag
oh i c :(

but perhaps we dont need a pass between zones?

you cannot (or hardly) intercept a vertical pass - so maybe it is better when you have to use the normal shot

would need some testing ...

Posted: 19-07-2003 21:32
by UnrealKrake
We have to check that out, i will go on developing without passing atm :)

Posted: 19-07-2003 23:47
by Surge
maybe you should put a wall in or something so the keepers cant shoot at eachother...

Posted: 20-07-2003 04:54
by DiabloDan2001
O well.... even if you dont get it to pass between gravity zone things i still think it would be a really good map but the passing thing would make it better.:lol:

Posted: 20-07-2003 11:30
by UnrealKrake
UPDTATE: Good News = BadNews:

Getting the Rotatorcube rotating :)

It doesn't work cause after adding the rotating parts, i have the static mesh mirror bug :( maybe i can fix it

i know the level looks ugly atm, but i try to reduce the bugs first, then comes the sexyness :)

@Surge: I tried map with the possibility to shoot from one goal to the other, and it does some crazy scoring moves :) BTW, if you don't want that ennemy keeper can score, just activate "Longshots off" then you can't score from the other side. ;)

Think you won't be able to pass from one section to another. The UT2003 engine is too limited for that. With the pass lock problem, there are the radar and the camera problems linked. This are the same problems don't know if i will get rid of. :mad:

Anyone knows if i can teleport a camera (track) ?? Or let it go through warpzones ???

Posted: 20-07-2003 22:43
by Surge
You can (sort of)... As long as your not teleporting to the other side of the field with a warp, but instead your actually running up the walls its possible.

Status report

Posted: 23-07-2003 13:24
by UnrealKrake
Status report :

- Didn't get rid of the static mesh clipping bug, so i rearrange some parts in the map ;) now it works and cube rotates again :)
- A telescreen is added BUT, it is bugged cause the cam goes through walls (some flickering effects can't be reduced :( )
- Begin of structuring the map a bit.

So far my status report

UPDATE(D) Shot(s):
Begin of rearrangment of some parts in the map :)
Front view to the two goals
Part of the DB Live TV and the "Goal Spot Light"

more to follow ...
P.S. DB-SoccerV1 (the tablefootballmap) is released in its first version. Be sure to grab it ;)

Posted: 24-07-2003 17:29
by RaGe*NL*
ooOOOo this map makes me feel dizzy ^^ nice one dude, i would love to play / betatest it o/

Posted: 24-07-2003 17:34
by hAcK.NL
/me 2 \o

Posted: 28-07-2003 22:01
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Any news? :(

Posted: 29-07-2003 23:26
by UsAaR33
UnrealKrake wrote: UPDTATE:
Think you won't be able to pass from one section to another. The UT2003 engine is too limited for that. With the pass lock problem, there are the radar and the camera problems linked. This are the same problems don't know if i will get rid of. :mad:

Anyone knows if i can teleport a camera (track) ?? Or let it go through warpzones ???

Um.. no you really can't. I really didn't design the cameras with warpzones in mind. However, tonight, I will update the code to allow cams to at least pass through warpzones. However, the following problems still exist:

1) The closest spot calculation will be inaccurate. The closest spot will always be determined to be some location in the warp "section" that the ball is in, regardless of whether this actually IS the closest spot visually.
2) Let CamTrack1 and CamTrack2 to cam tracks in differernt warpzones. CamTrack2's location - CamTrack1's location must be a vector pointing approximately (max error can be 30 deg or so) in the direction the camera must move in the VISUAL world to get tfrom CamTrack1 to CamTrack2.

In other words:

| = warpzoneportal

C1 |
| C2

is valid.

C1 |
C2 |
will not work. The camera will try to move left from C1 (note the location difference), but it really needs to move to the right.

3) Since the camera just looks at the ball's location (not the location seen through the portal), it will probably not view the ball correctly.
4) As for radars.. same thing. The world location is all that is looked it, not the location viewed through warpzones. Thus player positions will probably be shown inaccurately.

Cool idea for a map though :D

Posted: 30-07-2003 11:10
by UnrealKrake
Just to make sure that you don't think i don't do anything ;-) But i have a lack of time atm (summertime ;) )

Status report:
- fixed some clipping issues
- added some lights
- retextured the borders so that you don't see the "warpzone areas"

UPDATE(D) Shot(s):
Sideview of the new cube
Goal Spot added
"Front view" of the cube

So far ... more to follow soon.

Posted: 30-07-2003 16:42
by Dazlin
when is it out? when is it out? and will there be a small version too?!

Posted: 30-07-2003 16:45
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Screenshots looking better and better, almost as good as the idea itself :)

Finally a custom map i actually like \o/

(this 1, and back2back, maybe cheops n starjump ^^;)

Posted: 30-07-2003 18:26
by Twigstir
Interesting. I will be giving this map a try when your release a beta. Nice job.

My opinion: I'm not a fan of the colors of the floor. I think a darker red (more monroon) and darker blue would look better. I also think the middle support structure could use a better metal texture. Just my opinion from the screenshots. Can't wait to give it a shot.