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Post by UnrealKrake »

Hehe, i got another (wicked) idea. Just a planar gamefield looks to easy ??? Let's do it in 3d :). One Word: DB-Rotatorcube. Walk on walls and the ceiling inside a cube :) And the clue. The Borders will rotate... Sounds sick. Look@ the screens. Just an idea but it works better than i thought. So if your interested, i will continue my work (like always ;)) It's hard to continue developing because if you test this map a while, you get a brainlag ;)

DB-RotatorCube V0.6 (delete .lol extension)

Someone please help me with creating a script to deactivate normal "Deathball icons"...

If you think the icon bug sucks, click "configure radar" -> and deselct "beacon"

Status report:
Teleporters: Fixed
"Spammy" Hardware: Thinkin of solution
Map size: Need to be tested
Goal post markers: Fixed
Flickering errors: Fixed \o/
Radar bitmap: Not yet
HUD Icons: Not skilled enough need help plz
Light Spots @ the middle support: Not yet
Complete Lightning: To be done
Goal Events: Thinkin of special ideas
Frame Rate improvement:Not yet

- again replacing the teleporter system with another idea... but this time, it should run smooth and you should not be possible to "cross-teleport" ... PLEASE TEST IT
- starting to fill empty spaces of the map with stuff

V0.5 (see V0.4 but no crashing)
- had to rebuild the whole teleporting system in this cube because my UT always crashed when using my scripted "no-lag" teleporters (the spawn effect is deleted), hope they will work online (didn't had the chance to test them online).

V0.4 (not released cause of paincausing crashes):
- Replacing teleporters with effectless teleporters
- some player's had problems with the Telescreen, fixed ...
- removed many clipping holes
- getting the cube rotating (texrotators are used)

V0.3 (Latest version):
- most of the teleporters now working (some are still bugged but you dont stuck so often as in 0.2)
- Fixed Blue Blocking volume
- made some High detail static meshes to increase FPS
- decreased Lightning just because of better orientation (set Dynamic lightning on, so you will see the ball better)
- beta botpathes added

- "Irritated Camera" - > Retracked camera
- Smoother area changing by using teleporters instead of single warpzones
- beta radar added (not nice bitmap, but just to test and it works better than i thought :))

UPDATE(D) Shot(s) "From Version 0.4":
"How to make the level more attractive ???"
"View from the ball spawn point"
"Rotatorcube Sideview"
"Rotatorcube >Goal-boarder<"
"Just another one"

Outdated Shot(s), showing the developing process :-P:
"Rotatorcube V0.2 ingame"
"Ballpeak/playername bug"
Frontview with BETAradar
Frontview with radar
"Too big for HUD I Think ;-P
Sideview of the new cube
Goal Spot added
"Front view" of the cube
Begin of rearrangment of some parts in the map :)
Front view to the two goals
Part of the DB Live TV and the "Goal Spot Light"
Getting the Rotatorcube rotating :)
I'm very close to get rid of the lightning problems :)
Added the Lines to gamefields (shows clearer the structure of the map i think)
Red side
Ball spawn point side
Blue side
Last edited by UnrealKrake on 20-11-2003 11:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

I'd like to test it sometime \o/
Dont think the screenies can show what the map is really like X_X

Think i would like this idea but, wudnt it be a bit buggy? :eek:
Imo a bit smaller would be better, but well..i dunno \o/ go on ^_^ I like the idea
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Post by UnrealKrake »

Hehe, your right, the screenies can't show the potential of the map :D (i just exaggerate a bit :))

I know that it is very buggy, but i try to reduce them to the minimum. The reasons for that are the very unliked "Warpzones".

the following bugs i already get rid of:

-Clipping Bugs corrected with the usage of static meshes
-Ball's "tail" when entering another zone
-Player's position when switching zone

There will be more when i add more details on the map.

The only main problem will be the radar i think. I have the idea to set the warpzones in a row, but this causes the "Static Mesh mirror bug" (u see meshes which don't exist at this position). But i'm sure i will find a way :)

The spectator camera will be static i think, because you can't put a camera track through warpzones.

The size is correct i think. You can volley at the ceiling and the ball returns. You can do some cool longshots which will change the gameplay extremly i suppose. Teh size is 4096³ (think that its nice or ?) If it is smaller, we play bounce ball :lol:

I must go to work now, but i will go on. Maybe this evening :)
Last edited by UnrealKrake on 18-07-2003 18:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Onge »

I'm not sure how much fun this map will be because it'll be disorientating to play (like in Serious Sam 2). That said, technically it sounds good and I'll be happy to give it a go...
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Post by W1p3out »

I think it's a good idea , remember the game on PlayStation : "BLAST CHAMBER" , it's that ^^ !!! The chamber can rotate 360° . I work on a CTF map similar to the game Blast Chamber . Good Luck Krake , i thinkit's a original idea , original gameplay also ^^
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Post by UnrealKrake »

New shot for you: Added the Lines to gamefields (shows clearer the structure of the map i think)

Status report:

-added more stairs to switch the cube borders smoother
-added goal- and fieldlines
-added the Zones for playing


I found a big bug in the warpzone usage. Can't substract the borders on the sides with the cubed texture at the moment. Hope that i get rid of it because of the rotation effect i want to add :(

Next Updates:
But the gameplay seems to work great. I will soon add bots and a cam. After that, i will make the map more sexy, not only this ugly 6 borders and the 8 mysterious non used columns :)

I'm a spammer am i ??? :spammer:
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Post by jet2lag »

i had nearly the same idea for a map but i didn't know how to rotate the actors :)

my idea was just to make a map like that:

------------------------------------ [Blue]

~~~~~ Gravity division ~~~~~~~


[] = goals
from the side view

you quad-jump jo reach the other half (so you fall "down")
and you can only swith the "sides" by quadjumping and w/o ball
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Post by UnrealKrake »

I also thought of jet2lag's solution; it works on every client if u use this technique, BUT, if you look at the ceiling, you see the players glueing up there with their heads :)

So i used the "warpzone technique"

- players are shown the right way
- ball is behaving very "realistic"
- no need to construct any teleporters and/or gravity zones


- many many bugs e.g.
- (I) many many clipping errors
- (II) many many lightning errors (in particular static mesh lightning)
- (III) my so called "static mesh mirror bug"

- hard leveldesign cause of texturing any half.
- radar seems not to get working cause of (III)
- camera seems not to work correct because of not having the possibility to warp the camera track
- ball's "tail" bugges very often
- can't substract to many parts in the map cause of bug (III)

Even if the disadvantage list is so long, I try to reduce the bugs to a minimum.

More to follow :) ....
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Post by jet2lag »

it works on every client if u use this technique, BUT, if you look at the ceiling, you see the players glueing up there with their heads

thats what happend ;)
and in first person view you are "wrong" too.

warpzones - hm never did something with them - but good luck

i look forward to totaly new kind of gameplay (more sci-fi typ isn't it? :))
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Post by UnrealKrake »

I'm very close to get rid of the lightning problems :)

I noticed two other bugs by using static meshes and warpzones, but i tricked the editor :P I'm very close to adjust the border textures of every cube section with the other one ... (look @ pic and the so called "ugly" sections)

Hard to get rid of, but i will bare it :)
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Post by fro »

ooh. this looks like a total mindfuck.

i like it, gl :D
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Post by jet2lag »

some questions:
- is the passing lock working through warpzones?
- what happens when a player switches the zones? does it look .... strange? lag?
^^ for the others who watch him i mean
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Post by UnrealKrake »

Players changing the zones don't seem to lag. If i use bots, they change the zones very smooth, it looks a bit funny, but maybe i find a solution for it.

The second one is quite more difficult. I never thought of the pass lock :( Your right, it doesn't work through warpzones, cause the lock should go through walls, and that doesn't work :(

Any solutions for that problem. Else i think i can stop developing cause not passing through the zones will be boring, won't it.

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Post by jet2lag »

what about giving the zone parts above the other?

--------------- zone 1
--------Y----- zone 2
--X----------- zone 3

when X passes to Y the lock would think you just want to pass through a wall - and via the warpzone it could work

well - hard to explain i know ;)
and it would only work with horizontal floors - i guess

it makes quite a seperation of field parts but db isn't meant to be so.

seems you/we have to find a solution fpr that before continue ...
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Post by UnrealKrake »

That was my first option, BUT

it doesn't work, because of the extremly annoying "Static Mesh Bug" (look @ pic)

Even if you set the "Wallwarpzone" in a postition, where the bug doesn't appears, the pass lock only works one way :(

My so called "Static Mesh Mirror Bug"

Maybe other solutions, but thx for the try :(