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Posted: 02-04-2003 23:19
by beefsack
lol you should check out australian deathball. we have left our n00b bashing ways of the past and the amount ppl playing here is really starting to skyrocket. helping n00bs out is the way of the future!

Posted: 02-04-2003 23:36
by Rhinosaur
Hi all. Hello, berated .m. .
Well, I think that DavidM said it right when I had posted a topic of similar nature a couple of weeks ago.
He said that because of the strong 'team' aspect of DB, the weakest link can really cause a problem for all.
Now, I am not saying (nor was DavidM) that this is a reason/excuse for the abuse, but it's the motivation of winning that spurs such drivel.
If you are being harrassed, then you can be strong and get over it, but if you are being kicked from servers, that is ridiculous. Write to the server admins and inform them of your circumstances. If it's the admins kicking you, post which servers here and we can all (?) put our thinking caps on and try to solve the problem. It's a good, supportive community for the most part, as you can see by the helpful, understanding nature of the replies to your plea for civility.
Don't stop playing. Get jeered and kicked, but don't quit. It's a great game and worth the troubles and tribulations to count to ten, then get back on the nag.
See you on the field.... :)

Posted: 02-04-2003 23:50
by .m.
I'm really impressed with most of the replies, as I was certain I would get flammed for bringing this up. It does make a lot of sense that in this team game, your ability or inability really sticks out, and people want to win. I think that is what draws you into the game is the competition and skill required to play it.

I am definetly not going to give up on the game, and I will have to suffer though the abuse until I can mask my noobness. :cool: I just wish there were more servers to play on, that actually had people on them. I'm actually looking into hosting my own server here in Colorado and am going to try to get the guys from our LAN party to start playing regularly.

Thanks for all your responses!

Posted: 03-04-2003 00:28
by Cyph
If you've got a brain, you'll improve quickly :)

Most of DB's about positioning and timing, not your twitch skills, hence a brain is needed. Often new players won't understand where they need to be, and that's the most frustrating thing of all.

Posted: 03-04-2003 02:41
by Alars
I only started playing DB in late December and im in beefsack's clan and the team picked to win in our 3v3 comp here in Australia....and i pwn at volleying!.......just keep at it and you will reap the benefits later on...

Posted: 03-04-2003 05:07
by DavidM
its just that it drives you crazy ingame when you have people on your team that are only doing crap...because you really rely on them....unlike in TDM or so :|


Posted: 03-04-2003 08:13
by Insidious {FCU}
N00bs are just part of teh game, live with it...
Just give them hints like:
1. U pass with teh right mousebutton u know?
2. when someone sais boost and walks infront of u just smash him with teh hammer...
3. dont try to do everything by urself...
4. dont try passing to someone with an E between...
5. dont try vollys if u suck at it...

If u done that and they still suck, then u can insult/kick/gib/mutilate/etc them...
Or just set a server up with Gibball and call it n00b DB training...
that is so much fun :devil:

Posted: 03-04-2003 16:33
by Robotojon
would be nice to see a n00b server , like they have for CS.

Simply a server for n00bs to join and learn on, and as soon as they get compitent and start owning the other n00bs, they get kicked off the server. Then they can enter the world of deathball without bringing down the team play as they now understand the basic concepts :)

Posted: 03-04-2003 16:49
by The_One
another bit of advice, never type "teh" instead of "the" as it makes you look stupid
just thought i'd mention it, in case

Posted: 03-04-2003 16:57
by DiStUrbeD
If you're american, drop by our server..i dont know the IP offhand but its the {UFO} Mothership DB1.6 Server. Me and berk would lay down the law of people give you shit :D

Posted: 03-04-2003 17:00
by L33FY
The_One wrote: another bit of advice, never type "teh" instead of "the" as it makes you look stupid
just thought i'd mention it, in case


Teh is teh leet pwnage :spammer:

Posted: 03-04-2003 17:21
by The_One
point proved

Posted: 03-04-2003 20:28
by .m.
It's funny that the general concensus about the public servers is that they are crap.

It's been mentioned several times that "you" should join a clan to have a better playing experience. The bad part is that most clans would not accept a noob. They are all looking for "good/experienced" players. And the only way to get "good/experienced" is to play on the public crap servers that have no one in them, or don't want noobs in them.

Since the number of players is so limited right now, I think clans should unlock their servers and let anyone join them unless they are having a clan match or other clan related practice. The only servers that seem full are locked. So when newcomers to the game look at the availability of servers/players they might not give the game another chance wondering why no one is playing this thing. But if people had a variety of servers to join, and players to play against, it might open this mod up to more people.

So even though clans are good, they might be locking the door to more people right now because the amount of players is so low.

Posted: 03-04-2003 22:22
by Surge
All them american clan servers are unlocked unless a ballers game or match is going on AFAIK.

If any are down (SoP is occaasionally) is because the server is being lame because of the instability of DB's coding. The servers crash now and then because of it.

Also, if any players are giving you a hard time just leave the server or inform the server admin after the game or whenever. Even experienced players dont like assholes that overly abuse the n00b word. The biggest problem with DB is the ignorance of some n00bs who dont ask "how do i do this?" or "what is that?" but instead either:
a) dont say anything,
b) ignore you completely or,
c) tell you to f off
Its those kind of people that discourage good/experienced plays from helping people.

Posted: 03-04-2003 23:05
by .m.
The reason noobs probably don't ask questions, or ignore you is because the game is so fast paced that if you stop to type... GOAL. "Damn you noob!" hehe :D

Don't take it personally when we ignore you. Our brains are trying so hard to just play the game... it can't handle typing and playing. :lol: