
Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by .m. »

Of all the online games I've played, I've never seen an online community filled with as many jerks as there are in Deathball. I was at a LAN party and was introduced to Deathball and had so much fun that I went out and bought UT2k3 just for this mod. I do not really like UT because I think CS and BF1942 are better FPS's, but I really liked the concept of Deathball.

So I go out and buy UT and install the mod... I still have not played DM or CTF because my only interest in the game is DB. To my amazement, every server (which is very limited) that I joined I was greeted with a barage of harrassment from the "experienced" players. There is no sympathy for noobs, and was kicked several times, because at first I did not know how to "boost", or my timing sucks and haven't perfected the volley shot yet. I suppose all you "experienced" players knew everything, and were good right out of the box.

Personally I would like to see this game succeed, and have more servers available for people to play on. But if this community is so abbrasive and disrespectful, I think it will turn many people away. I'm not sure of the average age of players, but from what I've seen I would think it's maybe 12 and under.

If you would like to see Deathball grow, you need to realize that there is a learning curve, and instead of being jerks, maybe you should take the time to help the noobs instead of harrassing them and kicking them off your server. Otherwise you'll find yourself with limited competition and a lack a quality servers to play on.

(yes I fully expect harrassment for posting something like this. Obviously the 12 year old players probalby read these posts too.)

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Post by speedy »

you on american servers? O_O
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Post by FAT('.')BOY »

Most small mod communities I have found are like this.
DB suffers more because it is so much more of a team game than others, TDM whatever may be a team game but basicly its DM with some people on your side and if you fuck up or are not aware of how to play its generaly either not seen, doesnt effect the team much or no-one really cares.
When you fuck up in or arent aware how to play in DB its very obvious and quite often the whole team will suffer. This unfortunatly leads to some of comments and insults you have encountered. I encountered such comments myself and sometimes still do and I generaly tell them to go fuck themselves and get on with my game to the best of my ability. The opinions of some people just arent worth getting upset about. =)
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Post by Rens2Sea »

Hello to you too mister .m. Junior Member :mad:


(/me blames Bazzi :p)


Ps. Practice will make you leet :eek:
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Post by TEZC_Robban »

ah, well .m. it's like that :\ haven't said im an angel and protecting noobs wherever i go but i dont whine/harass/whatever when i see em in pubs..
its just better to let em learn, but reconsidering, i dont play much pubs anyway ;)
of what i've seen in publics the last time i played i think your point is quite valid and it's bad :(
dunno what to do about it other than telling you to hang in there :\ as fast as you get a nice clan you're probably gonna be out of the deep shit
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Post by Rens2Sea »

Yes rob, you ARE an angel, and you ARE protecting noobs :eek:

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Post by .m. »

Yes I'm pretty sure they were American servers, but I could be wrong becuase in one of them, my ping was like 230. Try playing goalie with that ping! :D

Most other servers that have good pings 70-80's are empty. I will keep searching though.

I'm definetly not going to give up on this game... it's too fun. I just wish people were more forgiving and wouldn't kick a player who's trying to learn. Especially considering there is no where else to go. Once I get kicked from one server there's only one other server (with decent ping) that has players in it. I guess I didn't realize how small this mod is...

Thanks for your responses!
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Post by DavidM »

fatboy is right
just get a clan (we got clan forums for this), that will make it much more enjoyable
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Post by Rens2Sea »

.m. wrote: Try playing goalie with that ping! :D

Been there, done that :cool:
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Post by BL44T »

hm. just play alot. not on american servers indeed they suck \o/ everyone has been a n00b and some still are [like me oO] just keep on playin, hang around a bit at mIRC and go practise with bots \o/ ;)
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Post by Maegrim »

are you sure you weren't kicked by the anti-idler system? try moving your mouse a bit when you keep
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Post by Antagony »

I would have to agree.

I frequently find myself being verbally berated by people who have spelling and grammar skills equivalent to that of a grade school student.

I do make mistakes, and even after apologizing and ridiculing myself I continue to be on the receiving end of elegant name-calling including such terms as "noob" and "dumbass".

Why won't these Deathballers just let the new people learn in peace? It's not like I'm invading your game to make your life miserable, I'm just trying to become better.

/end rant
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Post by Cyph »

I'd like to state that I never use grade-school insults. "Cuntflap!" is far, far more advanced.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the original point...

Being not n00b-friendly isn't necessarily the same as being full of jerks. In my experience the advanced (ie, clanned... with a couple of exceptions, but there's always exceptions) DB community is one of the friendliest around.
Last edited by Cyph on 02-04-2003 22:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GazMaN »

ya, is fun if u kow the right peeps, just stay away from fatty, hes just nasty!
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Post by Antagony »

Yeah, no worries. I try not to let the jerks get me down, it's just frustrating at times. This game is too fun to give up because of the few mean people!