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Posted: 07-02-2005 17:03
by Catalyst88
So we're a community full of egoing 3v3 players... no wonder cK exist...

Posted: 07-02-2005 17:22
by T3rm1n4T0r
I played really often on the 3on3 server and there was very very little egoing. The people were playing in a team.

Posted: 07-02-2005 18:49
by Sixty
Catalyst88 wrote: So we're a community full of egoing 3v3 players... no wonder cK exist...

I find 3v3's quite fun, and it doesn't automatically means egoing. In a good 3v3 all three teammembers attack, defend and keep.

Posted: 07-02-2005 18:59
by Onge
3v3 VO server is now a 5v5 server with mapvote. I still think no self volley has its merits but ultimately the server is better put to use in a 5v5 capacity where more people can enjoy it at once.

Posted: 07-02-2005 19:45
by Catalyst88
Sixty wrote: I find 3v3's quite fun, and it doesn't automatically means egoing. In a good 3v3 all three teammembers attack, defend and keep.

True, but more often than not it seems to end up being who can pull off the most amazing volleys, it's frustrating. I agree there's a lot of teamwork involved, and playing 3v3s tends to improve people's ability to defend (which is good) but in general i find them realy frustrating. I think i'm just being a bad loser though :devil:

Posted: 07-02-2005 21:31
by Cenotaph
Some days ago I saw an interview where CliffyB claimed to regret the fact that UT2004 has so much variety in it, and I fully agree with him. It's not a good thing to enter a UT2004 server and it could be insta, lowgrav, not to count so much gametypes that a game has and so on. This stuff is bad for a game, it splits the community, and makes one game play different depending on what server you are.

This is happening in DB also, VO, self volley or not, is a pain in the ass if your intention is to play DB like it should be played. These days the only european servers I see with ppl are VO, these means n00bs cant actually learn to play the game properly.

I think that games need less variety, when you set your mind into making a game, you don't need to go and make a game that tries to please everybody, that's just impossible and in the end, it wont be for the best of the game.

So, i say, VO must GO! :P

It would be great to see Volley Only mode taken out of DeathBall once and for all. I mean, Deathball is a great game, it doesnt need those pseudo skilled vo games :/

Posted: 07-02-2005 21:59
by Onge
Cenotaph wrote: So, i say, VO must GO! :P

It has! On the Juice public server at least... :p

Posted: 07-02-2005 22:01
by Cenotaph
nice :)

Posted: 08-02-2005 03:10
by R3L!K

Posted: 08-02-2005 03:23
by Messy
Yay :o

It certainly beats playing with the Gko crowd ;p

Posted: 08-02-2005 03:58
by Cenotaph
no doubt.

Already spent a great time in JUICE's server tonight.

Posted: 08-02-2005 11:37
by -plær-
The vo problem wont go away because a server setting is removed. People were playing VO back before it was an option in DB. I got flamed a couple of times when I first started playing years ago for:
-"omg vo noob"
"what's vo"
-"omg noob"

The vo setting was brought in so at least players who didnt want it could find another server. Unfortunately, the lack of servers now means that of then the only game available is vo...

Posted: 08-02-2005 12:06
by Messy
I'm sure there will always be a mature player there to tell people to stfu and play Deathball like it's supposed to be played.

..or at least I hope so /o\

What plær explained was actually the best scenario possible in such a situation:
a) He answered back to ask what VO is in the first place (this tells both the noob and the other players a lot tbh ;p)
b) He probably played on, vo or not vo.

Most noobs don't bother answering, or leave /o\

Both is bad.

IMO, VO was the worst creation after :) it's only good for 1on1 and 2on2.

I remember playing my first VO match before ever hearing of it. :D
I used to have my own server ;p and when I was 1on1 with Metafrank once, we decided to only use volleys :D
Not only volleys for just scoring picking up the ball at all :o

Meh..was fun ;p

Umm..nevermind :rolleyes:

*rushes to pubs*

Posted: 08-02-2005 12:45
by Onge
VO is indeed nothing new, and a problem that won't go away. Just now the JUICE public server will not help this trend to continue. The server was very busy last night on a number of maps. I think the old 3v3 server was a problem - it was popular and generally the only pub ever full. It was silly to see 4 specs waiting on it too - go to another server and you can all play!

And there are still VO servers out there for those that enjoy them. Everyone's a winner!

Posted: 08-02-2005 12:50
by Messy
Everyone's on Gko now o_O

Just went in there, and got shouted at when I started playing 'reg', hoping to not get kicked I kept playing like that, and eventually everyone changed to reg :)
Some people left but meh..that's what you get.

"SC is always VO" <-- cha right.