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Posted: 24-06-2004 13:31
by n00bs_own_Madogg
"A bad keeper is better than no keeper" <---------- way hey, its about time I get complimented

Re: Veteran Players & Jukey, Video ; EVERYONE has to pla

Posted: 24-06-2004 20:07
by {ULK}AcE
moby323 wrote: I think the truth is these veteran players dont want to play keeper because it is HARD, because they cant handle the frustration of getting worked over by an awesome shot, and basically don't have the balls.

Don't get me wrong, many players like Imaginos and Whimp and Intel play more than their fair share of keeper, but it just disgusts me that among the veteran players there is not a more fair attitude about sharing the burden of keeper.

LMAO! Hahahahahahahahaahahahah, gave me a good laugh there moby :)

What the fuck do veteran players have to do with this? I'm a veteran player.. I've been playing since DB first came out (like 2002 or something) and whenever I join a pub I ALWAYS play keeper, just so that people like you don't come to the forums and complain about having to keep constantly. Keeping isn't hard, just requires more teamwork and more skill. Keeping isn't hard unless you have a good team. Saying that veterans don't want to play keeper because it's hard or have the "balls" is just stupidity at its greatest. Even worse, Juke isn't a veteran at all, afaik he started around 1.6 or 1.7 and has a good shot.

Instead of complaining and wasting your time, why don't you go to a public game and get better at keeping? So that when you spawn you can play better than the rest and help your team win. Complaining over here isn't gonna help anything or anyone. Playing keeper also helps your offensive game because you learn what advantages and disadvantages you have over the keeper.

Posted: 24-06-2004 20:57
by CripTonic
Yay for Ace. You keep, and thats bad ass, but he's right when it comes to NA DB pubs.

The only vets that keep are vets that play keep normally or are trying to help new players. 99.9% of the offense whores refuse to becaus they're too "l33t" to play keep.

Only person I'v ever seen keep in a pug that has a clan tag is Imag (:D) and considering he runs the server, I'd say he's been around a while. Come play NA DB, Ego-whore paradise in pubs.

Posted: 24-06-2004 22:32
by n00bs_own_Madogg
"LMAO! Hahahahahahahahaahahahah, gave me a good laugh there moby

What the fuck do veteran players have to do with this? I'm a veteran player.. I've been playing since DB first came out (like 2002 or something) and whenever I join a pub I ALWAYS play keeper, just so that people like you don't come to the forums and complain about having to keep constantly"

who is this jerk?

Posted: 25-06-2004 03:48
by Lougie
PWNT :lol:

Posted: 25-06-2004 21:01
by Dazlin
{ULK}AcE who's he? i havent seen him around...

you arnt a "veteran". I never seen you join/become part of a clan or really join in with the DB community up untill now and even then its only posting on the forums O_o.

I, myself have been playing since 1.3

I on the other hand have joined in with the community and have joined a clan or two (bah those were the days deus killing every clan i joined... beating us and we all quit and reformed =P under a different name) i also helped Panda's Rk9 well maybe not help =p but i still ermm sang on it :D

im sorry AcE i wouldnt consider you to be a "Veteran" but thats just my opinion.

Posted: 25-06-2004 21:03
by tr1p
Ace = InSane from NA deathball i thinks.

Posted: 25-06-2004 22:09
by l0afz
lol dazlin inso has been around longer than you

Posted: 27-06-2004 00:00
by <_Kapi_>
I have been around longer!:noob:

Posted: 27-06-2004 01:26
by Messy
Dazlin wrote: {ULK}AcE who's he? i havent seen him around...

you arnt a "veteran". I never seen you join/become part of a clan or really join in with the DB community up untill now and even then its only posting on the forums O_o.

I, myself have been playing since 1.3

I on the other hand have joined in with the community and have joined a clan or two (bah those were the days deus killing every clan i joined... beating us and we all quit and reformed =P under a different name) i also helped Panda's Rk9 well maybe not help =p but i still ermm sang on it :D

im sorry AcE i wouldnt consider you to be a "Veteran" but thats just my opinion.

Err, pwnt yourself there dazzy boy :)

Insaney <3

Posted: 27-06-2004 02:50
by moby323
"WTF do veteran players have to do with this"? Well I made that point, that often times the best players in the BuD server, at least offensively, never play keeper.

Again, maybe that is why they are the best offensive players, but either way that is not fair. Did you read my post at all?

CripTonic sets a good example, he is a good scorer and a better scorer than he is a keeper, but he will do his part when he spawns as keeper, and he doesnt get all flipped out and frustrated when people score on him.

Ive only been playing deathball for about a month, but as the guys in the BuD server can tell you I do play for several hours a day. If i was to name the top 10 players I've played with, I'd say 5 of those players NEVER play keeper ever.

I'm not accusing all vets at all, but anyways you guys that alwyas only play in those damn passworded servers have no say in this anyway.

ANd I never complaied about being keeper, I play keeper probably 1/3 of the time I'm in there, it just flips me out when I finally want to go on offense and these guys who have already scored 4 goals in the match refuse to come keep.

Posted: 28-06-2004 08:26
by InSaNe`
Well well well I should start posting under this name from now on, I have 2 Opera's with two difference sign in names so blargh.

I mean, I've only been playing DB since the first version of DB came out. I'm no veteran, you are Dazlin :noob:

Okay back to the topic..

moby think before you type, your post makes no sense. Here's what you claim: "that often times the best players in the BuD server, at least offensively, never play keeper." Oh my, I never knew that all you needed to do was have a good shot to become a veteran... Juke is no where NEAR a veteran player and he has a good shot, CripTonic as well, so does that make them a veteran player? No.

"CripTonic sets a good example, he is a good scorer and a better scorer than he is a keeper, but he will do his part when he spawns as keeper, and he doesnt get all flipped out and frustrated when people score on him."

Note the server rules: Spawn In Keeper, STAY THERE. There is no exception to that rule, saying he does his job means nothing; you're supposed to do that (no insult towards crip :p )

"Ive only been playing deathball for about a month, but as the guys in the BuD server can tell you I do play for several hours a day. If i was to name the top 10 players I've played with, I'd say 5 of those players NEVER play keeper ever."

They never play keeper eh? Well who's fault is that? It's random keeper, it's about being lucky or not and most of the time the odds are not against you.

"I'm not accusing all vets at all, but anyways you guys that alwyas only play in those damn passworded servers have no say in this anyway." #dbpug #ballers #dbcommunity You can chill around there, ask to spectate a server so you can learn, and no one should have a problem with that unless you're spamming while they're playing.

Look, if you see a person who doesn't wanna keep, tell an admin, or whoever. Do what Fooman does (he's been doig it for a while) push the guy around and see if he wants to keep then. If not, get an admin.

Sorry for the long post too... 3:26 a.m and I'm kinda worried about a few things in school :/

Posted: 28-06-2004 13:34
by The_One
I thought I recall teaching you some DB basics when you first started out? That can't of been the first version. Maybe I'm thinking of someone else.

Posted: 28-06-2004 21:47
by InSaNe`
... o_O

No, me and you used to make faces all the time duh!


Posted: 28-06-2004 22:33
by The_One
I remember that much but I don't remember exactly what version we met in. Were you sticking to NA servers (were there any? >.<) before then?
So long ago it's hard to recall.
