to all who beat it already! The ranking will be reset soon!
On the <keyword>.htm will be a new riddle, to get a new keyword
to get in the ranking. So you'll all have a chance again.
Check back, but it will be awfully hard!


Go get in the ranking!
[edit] ranking is dissabled now, because someone finally leaked the answer.
You can still make it, email me the keyword when you have it, and I'll tell you if it's correct...
If you are a real riddler who's doing it for the fun, that's the right thing for you to do.
Up to you to know if you cheat or not.
Anyway, I know most of you are good guys, have fun on the endpage!

# Name Date (gmt+1) Comment From  
01 Loh666 9.12.2004 16:21h Thanks alot for many entertaining weeks! Austria
02 Snorkulf 9.12.2004 16:40h An intellectual two-week orgasm Sweden
03 Pax 10.12.2004 00:15h thanx for keeping me up so many nights Switzerland
04 Luna 10.12.2004 05:39h So long, and thanks for all the prOn!
05 Delpho 10.12.2004 06:59h Thanks for the pr0n! Chan '04! USA
06 honeycomb_girl 10.12.2004 08:09h Never thought I would be owned!!! USA
07 Guy Weldo 10.12.2004 08:16h Glad I'm finished, this puzzle was worse
than crack! ;) Thanks!
08 Chris VR 10.12.2004 08:58h Thanks for 4 awesome weeks of something to do! USA
09 Bearn 10.12.2004 11:22h back from prawnfishing Netherlands
10 Smutje 10.12.2004 12:23h Thanks for taking away my free AND worktime for weeks! It really was great fun! Germany
11 Patrick 10.12.2004 14:39h Thanks for so many sleepless nights spending with this riddle :) Good job David
PS: Greetz to Ina ;P
12 Drizzit 10.12.2004 15:18h thanks a lot!! but christine is still EVIL!! ^^ Germany
13 Carti 10.12.2004 15:32h so much entertainment for a lot of weeks, thanks a lot! Germany
14 The Bloke 10.12.2004 18:34h Pron has brought me nothing but pain and delight USA
15 PlutotSec 10.12.2004 21:11h thanks for the addictiveness! Filled up alot of my nights!
16 PenguinExMachina 10.12.2004 21:22h Thanks for the great time! Ruined my social life, but it was worth it! USA
17 DjCrimsonFox 10.12.2004 21:53h Almost failed some classes due to this, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. Thanks for all the frustrating fun and getting my mind to actually think.
18 Leagus 11.12.2004 01:44h Thanks for giving me something other than homework to do.
/me winks at christine... hey there...
19 Tusk 11.12.2004 01:54h Mind full of useless knowledge: 0$
Soul full of joyful frustrations: 0$
Having one's name in Notpron Ranking: Priceless
20 Scott 11.12.2004 02:34h Thanks a ton, and I hope you go for the 6th sheet of puzzles. USA
21 JR 11.12.2004 02:38h Thank you for making me fail 4 tests. Thank you for the game, it was awesome. Jesse is a pot head. Dylan won't get here for a long time. USA
22 Jesse 11.12.2004 03:27h JR u suck u just barely beat me. Mother fucker. I am a stoner. The porn was helpful in those long cold nights. USA
23 Chargi 11.12.2004 03:42h seems like my mail had some delay. still: austria has won the gold medal! Austria
24 Denise 11.12.2004 4:41h Thanks for giving me a useful means of procrastination ;) Canada
25 andrewshen123
11.12.2004 07:58h In your face David. I beat it and you can't do anything about it!
Except not let me on the top 30... uh oh.
26 Cessan The Man 11.12.2004 09:17h im so fucking smart ;D Sweden
27 michivo 11.12.2004 17:24h Seems that my mail had some delay as well. Anyway: Austria rulez! Austria
28 zzzyzygy 11.12.2004 19:08h Now I can have my life back. I hope they don't fire me! USA
29 Destiny 11.12.2004 20:42h Here's another one for England!!! Thanks for the big headache :-p England
30 david_g 12.12.2004 00:10h nothing beats some good softcore pron Canada
31 Jiten 12.12.2004 19:11h More pr0n please! :P England
32 Losomode 12.12.2004 19:24h Thanks for such a great game. It's been a long time since I had this much fun feeling this stupid! The team there more than earned my donation. USA
33 Garg 13.12.2004 20:37h Big fat smelly cocks! \o/. This puzzle was totally,
amazingly, excellent fun.
34 dfunkt 13.12.2004 22:41h i feel more like a retard now than when i started :( England
35 bl0nde 13.12.2004 23:05h who'd have thought notpr0n could be more fun than pr0n?
36 Da-Geezer
14.12.2004 01:49h Fair play, there's a devious set of puzzles you got there. Make some more! Wales
37 ebenezum
14.12.2004 13:29h It's over now ?!? No, I don't believe it. Where is the next Level ? Can't figure it out so far .... still working on it ..... ;-)
38 Gary 14.12.2004 22:44h Schad: this was a tough one! Haha, I can finally sleep nights now! >_< USA
39 Mario_1984 15.12.2004 00:34h Oh man that was really frustrating. :) Thanks for many entertaining
hours and big headache. POLAND RULES!!! :D
Pozdro dla fanow Smallville :D
40 Buk 15.12.2004 00:43h Nareszcie!! Tyle nieprzespanych nocy!!
Czas sie wyspac;D
Thanks for everything!
41 Clark 15.12.2004 02:01h That was really great :P Where is the next level?? hehe I'm waitng for next levels Poland and Smallville rules :P
42 Ron 15.12.2004 05:39h Hello #TOSF !    
43 M C 15.12.2004 05:46h WOW! A game to stimulate the mind (and other parts of the body hehe) that I enjoyed thoroughly. Thanks for a great puzzle........    
44 Legit 15.12.2004 06:36h Wow gg, oh i gtg the bananna phone is ringin. USA
45 Q 15.12.2004 13:47h Thanks for wonderful riddler. We want more !!! Poland
46 983K 15.12.2004 19:05h That's it??? That's all ya got?? Canada
47 MariuszM 15.12.2004 23:09h That's It? No champagne, no fireworks...
Just simple correct??
I'm very disappointed...
48 Kisa 16.12.2004 09:23h Now I'm hooked - need more!
49 Tholdos 16.12.2004 12:32h You name it, they've got it, you name it mee, they haven't got it
50 Sigma 16.12.2004 13.22h Thank you for keeping me and my roommate (Tholdos) up late at night for the past two weeks. Best way of wasting time ever! Netherlands
51 junimond 16.12.2004 21:04h biiiiiiig thanks for the fun!and - my brain is not completely in my titts!! Germany
52 Dirk 17.12.2004 11:07h Brilliant Riddle! Brain well and truly fried!! Whens the next one? England
53 Raziel 17.12.2004 18:11h OMFG I'm finally done! xD I'm proud that I'm the first Latin American to make it to the very end! Saludos a la comunidad de Quake 3
Chilena! PD: In your face bL4kiTu! ^_^
54 TQuark
17.12.2004 19:05h Hell of a game. Thanks a lot for the hours of brain grinding. Time for X-mas holidays! Germany
55 Powerball 17.12.2004 20:09h Thanks for all the great riddles, never had so much fun with such a frustrating game, lol!!!
56 cheated 17.12.2004 21:01h Got it! Cool way of waste time Peru
57 Dan D 18.12.2004 05:01h This game has dominated my life for weeks, yet i'm still depressed to see it go. Whatever, at least now i can die happy. USA
58 Matt L. 18.12.2004 08:29h Because of this game, my friends had to put me on suicide watch. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
59 Rajesh Warrier 18.12.2004 17:58h Wow! Feeling gr8 after so many sleepless nights! Hats off to David and his team. And I feel proud to be the first from the Asian continent to be out here... India
60 Coriadil
18.12.2004 18:34h That hurt. A lot. Luckily I'm rather masochistic.
61 CVR 19.12.2004 02:31h Yes! I'm the best fuck the rest! USA
62 Jennifer 19.12.2004 02:41h When is the next level coming? This can't be the
63 fibBehcky
21.12.2004 07:07h Best way I could've spent my first 7 days of break ever. Now time to actually take a break from thinking. Flamingoes rock!Thank you david for the best brain teaser ever!
64 JulesRapanga 21.12.2004 23:39h Procrastination has been taken to a whole new level, fantastic fun. makes you feel in some way intelligent to get to the end. Northern Ireland
65 philosophersean
22.12.2004 07:09h if anything is possible, is it possible that nothing possible? probably ^_? USA
66 punk 22.12.2004 07:18h thanks for the great headache. looking forward to more.    
67 Burner 22.12.2004 08:12h Damnit, I want not pron merchandise >_< Australia
68 LordRockyV 22.12.2004 14:18h After many long nights the Colonel and I have succeed... Nice puzzle guys and good luck to everyone still on #80!
69 Colonel_Parn 22.12.2004 14:18h Wow, this was the most fun solving endless puzzles I have ever had. Thanks for a lot of fun and keep it up. I'm sure it won't happen, but I hope to see a notpron 2. Well, Thanks for the laughs! USA
70 Lannister 23.12.2004 05:37h After all this time, it *was* pr0n after all! You lied to me!
Well, it was probably Christine's fault. She's hot *and* evil -- a scary
71 Kamerolifant 24.12.2004 00:45h Whoa! Never was pr0n so frustrating... =) I'm already waiting for
notpron v2.0!
72 Pegsie 26.12.2004 03:45h Ow...I have a headache...
73 penguinsocks 27.12.2004 10:46h a great alternative to studying! Canada
74 Kurrem 27.12.2004 17:12h olol pwned!! >.> <.< why did i waste time doing this anyway. also, there was porn. YOU LIED!!
75 Poperze 28.12.2004 17:34h damn, I could have been so much higher in the ranking, but thx anyways for the great riddles. greetz, jules Germany