From now on, there will be no more paid accounts, certificates and level Nu anymore. More info about these changes can be found here.
- Jay2k1
<bgsound> is dead, long live <audio> - bgsound is a proprietary HTML element that was never part of the official HTML standard.
In order to make notpron's background sound work in all modern browsers, it has now been replaced by the HTML5 element <audio>.
In case you are surprised because notpron has sound all of a sudden, let me tell you that this is what it was supposed to be like all the time.
If you are annoyed by the sound, you can mute a browser tab's audio by clicking the sound/mute icon in the tab in most modern browsers.
- Jay2k1
Notpron is not dead or so. Stop asking!
And I just moved it to another provider, new server.
Some things in the riddle might not work properly yet. Don't hesitate to tell me about bugs.
Oh, and we have a new forum!
Wow, tonight Notpron hit the 10 million hits! Amazing in some way... \o/
I setup a new guestbook
because the old one is junk and down all the time!
It's Notpron's 1st Birthday, hurray for it. Eh? Yeah, dammit!
The Guestbook is back after some downtime. No idea what's been going on, since
it's an external service.
Just saying that you can expect some more new levels (down at -41) again,
I think I'm back out of my motivation hole :)
Got about 35 level submissions in my mailbox, I'll check this bunch out.
Level 32 was redone (new level, new answer). Go back and do it again!
I added a guestmap to the page. Please put yourself on it, here!
We have official hints on the forums, at the start of each level's thread.
Now on our IRC channel (in the source of almost all riddles) Meh put up a
bot that gives you those hints when you request them. Just type "!hint
1" to get the hints for level 1. It only goes up to 79, nothing for 80-112
etc :)
I won't be there much until next wednesday, so be patient if you email me!
All the level submissions aren't forgotten either, I'll check them out one
day and let you know then.
The ranking on Level 80 is gone. I closed it down because it's
1) a lot of work which I don't have time for
2) rather pointless because there are 22 more levels right now
Instead I've split up the 80-riddles in a new riddle each. It's in a new folder,
you'll find it.
I've remade Level 38, the old one is gone (since it was crap :S).
Different riddle, different solution.
The US-Notpron shop has been updated. It now has all the "I solved notpron"
shirts and stuff, that you are requesting.
Check it out here: http://www.cafepress.com/notpron
The making of book is done! Check out the "making of" page for all
Happy reading, guys!
We have such a ridiculous amount of hits these days. At first we were happy
to maybe have 5,000 hits a day. Then happy about 10,000...
And now we never have less than 20,000, sometimes being close to the 40,000.
Yesterday our stats page stopped counting you guys!
We reached our monly limit of visitors (only in these statistics; it's not
like you can't get here anymore).
Thanks to all you guys, who stick to the riddle, and keep using these google
bars to support us. :)
The Making Of book is done now, just undergoing minor changes and spell checks.
I know many of you, how are eagerly waiting for it.
Soon, I swear! Start of the next week sounds realistic.
It will also hit the stores (on demand) sooner or later, with it's own ISBN
number etc. It just takes some time to organize this stuff. ;)
There is a new "I solved www.notpron.com" shirt in one of our 2
Scroll down to the very bottom of this page to see it.
They are priced right so you will not need a cash advance to be able to afford one.
I made the ranking of level 80 publicly available on www.notpron.com
Before only the winners could see it.
I am redoing the pictures of notpron step by step.
IMO much better stuff art-wise and it's on a black background.
(The dark side won't be the dark one anymore, but a white background was boring).
Rebel games had me make a riddle, like notpron, as online promotion
for their upcoming adventure game Gooka.
It's in German, and when you beat all 25 levels you can win something.
Click here to start it.
'Christine' redid Level 61.
I never liked the old one much. But the new one is pretty inventive.
If you already solved it, go back and try it!
The solution is the same but the way is different.
Our IRC Chat Channel has been changed. It's still on quakenet.org
But the room is now: #notpron Leave the old one if you idle there.
I set up 2 shops, one in the USA, one in Germany.
You can buy shirts, mugs and caps there, since they were requested from some