If you want to support notpron for all the fun you had, click here.
David Münnich | notpr0n lead designer |
Birthdate/Geburtstag: | 13.July 1982 |
Nationality/Nationalität: | German/Deutsch |
Location/Wohnort: | Saarbrücken/Germany |
Website: | |
email: | |
David's Music | David & Alexx |
Password-box Coding / Passwort-box Programmierung: Coaster & Christine
Nu target submission system: Wolfi
Riddle Ideas or Execution / Rätselideen oder Ausführung:
DavidM (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,22,23,24,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,45,46,47,48,49,50,
Coaster (14)
Unex (21,33)
Dizz (25)
Fips|Whiskas (26,31,35)
Smutje (34)
Jarjar (37)
yt (39)
Christine (44,52,54,56,59,61,63,71,72,73,76,78,79;-6,-11,-16,-17,-20,-36)
Luna (48)
Ville (49)
Emjay (57)
Kino (58,67)
Dauerstudent (64)
Joost (65)
GuyWeldo (74,-18)
Garg (76)
Neigh (-5)
Ren� (-7,-11)
P3ng (-8)
Crusifix (-9,-19,-43)
Svatik (-12,epsilon,zeta)
Wurst (-16)
Rioting (-25)
Paul Willemin (-28)
Supamom (-30)
ElvisYo (-36,beta)
Michael Turton (-37)
Danai Chock Chai Sakul (-38)
Lemmy (-39,-44,eta)
Jay2k1 (-40)
Pedro (-41)
Marco (gamma)
Catz, GoomyLover704, weaver for putting an enormous amount of work into contributing new solutions to the majority of levels. Take this, cheaters!
Webpage Design:
David Münnich
If you want to support notpron for all the fun you had, click here.