Deathball Custom Server Installation Setup tutorial
By SuperBitch and Imaginos
First of all the reccomended way to set up a dedicated deathball server is to use the RunServer.bat supplied in the main directory. Or you can refer to these resources:
How to setup a
Dedicated (Linux) Server for Deathball.
For UT2004 Deathball read
forum additionally!
However, there are people that may want to extract Deathball files to the ut2004 directory. This is not the reccomended way of installing deathball. However there are reasons why some one may want to do this. The most important reason being that the server operator may be using ut2vote or some other software to switch mods on the fly. That is pretty cool when it works but Ut2004 does not cold swap mods well. So then here is how you can have more then one mod setup on your server.
In order to do this, such as on the Bud2k server. Here is how you would do this. As taken from this forum post written by Bud2k server owner Imaginos.
As many Deathball regulars
know, I'm one of the biggest pimps on the web for UT2Vote, which gives server
admins the ability to host multiple mods using a feature we call dynamic
serverpackages. Utilizing this, your players will never have to download any
packages that aren't in use at the time of connection! You can switch from
Deathball to JailBreak, to Unwheel, to ChaosUT and back to Deathball again with
ease. Only the mod running right then and there has active
serverpackage lines. Revolutionary? Hell yes! Try it out today and say goodbye
to mapvote forever.. But back to the issue..
Deathball 2.1 known issue for Multi-Mod servers:
This post assumes Deathball was installed and is started in the traditional way
(i.e NOT using the -mod switch as documented here: ). An updated post for
2.1 installation will be written soon.
Clients will experience an Incompatable File error for this file:
2K4Menus.utx and will lose connection. There is a second conflicting
file called UT2004Thumbnails.utx, but this error will never be
seen since the client disconnects upon the first error. This issue is due to the
new custom menus enployed in the latest version of Deathball. The changes are
client-side and there is a workaround for those admins that wish to host
multiple mods.
To prevent the version conflicts, the two affected files must have changes made
to their packageflags to identify the files to the server as both "ServerSideOnly"
and also "ClientOptional".
I have done this already and you need only replace the two conflicting texture
files on your server with the files contained in this zip:
Files should be copied/uploaded to ../ut2004/textures. Your clients will again
be able to connect normally.
Thats it!