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Posted: 18-01-2004 02:24
by InSaNe`
Who here plays CTF, Dm and other games types other than DB.

I just wanna see if you nubs are too addicted to DB :lol:

I know some people, Blauzen, Camel, prankst0r, and I. Are there any other DM or CTF IG freaks out there? :spammer: :spammer:

Oh btw IG > Weaps :p \o/

Posted: 18-01-2004 02:40
by DiStUrbeD
i used to play iGCTF pugs, pretty much cuz i usually pinged < 20 and i can rape in iG with that ping

been too long now though i'd sux

Posted: 18-01-2004 03:09
by Morning*Star
been playing UT iCTF lately (thats UT not the crappy UT2k3 insta), fun fun

Posted: 18-01-2004 03:15
by Goldeneye
db is the only game i currently play in a clan, tdm, ctf etc just sometimes on lan with friends or in pickup :>

Posted: 18-01-2004 03:52
by Ha]SS[aN
hello i play ctf. Actually i got a clan in iTDM and soon iCTF \\o o//

Posted: 18-01-2004 09:25
by RaGe|DB
I used to play ICTF IDM in ut99, now im starting to go back to UT2003 IG ICTF

Posted: 18-01-2004 10:44
by BurntLeaf
We did have DEUS iCTF division, but then that fell apart as we werent fully into it. I will play a NW ctf game with people i know though.

Posted: 18-01-2004 10:56
by speedy
i play nw dm and stuff for fun

Posted: 18-01-2004 11:01
by GreyFox
i play all except br and ibr

Posted: 18-01-2004 12:01
by Rens2Sea
dm, tdm, idm, itdm, ctf, ictf, bt, jb

Posted: 18-01-2004 12:32
by Chubbs
i play ict, ibr, itdm and iddom sometimes too

AND insta > nw's :P

Posted: 18-01-2004 14:39
by GoldenGun
well, i'm in a iCTF clan , but its not really active, some wars. etc.

Other stuff i play for fune \\o

Posted: 18-01-2004 14:59
by Requiem``
i played all ut ictf, and still ictf in 2k3 :rolleyes:

Posted: 18-01-2004 15:03
by -plær-
I love playing DM, but I get my ass handed to me by anyone who plays seriously. I like playing botmatches though. Heh, and they cane me as well...

Here's a fun challenge.
10 minutes
3 Godlike Bots
How well do you do?
Post a screenie :)

I'm pretty shite as you can see...

Posted: 18-01-2004 15:20
by priior