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#dbpickup ops getting anoying

Posted: 12-01-2004 18:25
by Ker]v[et
dunno if that is an old story but..

Well, as the Topic already says some op's are just annoying -> kicking ppl (for no good reason.. like rico by chick 2day) or making channel notices all over the place!


Also the abusing of remote's (->ppl get automatic banned for flood) , well ppl do cause the think its fun etc. but Channel operators must do that too? how funny.. /me looks @ Chick

And when i look @ BB with his Channotices everytime or when he wont end a 5/10 pickup after a lot(!) mins with no reaction of other ppl adding there and some1 want to start a 0/5 pu. But no, cause bb dont like that server (and he wants to play...its all about him..) he wont end half hour l8r he gave up. Well done Operator!

Some1 tell me why those ppl have op. Making scripts for the bot or beeing in anyway a part of db-helpers dont have to mean that this guys have to get op and getting annoying again and again.

Well i could search for some logs and stuff but i think other ppl knew what i mean.
Im just asking why give them op when they just make stupis abusing of it. Never saw a "good" thing by using op from both of them mentioned.


I am anoyed of that, and u?

Posted: 12-01-2004 18:48
by Chick-kun
i had a perfectly good reason to kick rico... and so what? its not like i banned him?
i dont take shit from people when i didnt do shit
[04:52:57 PM] [r1co-] omfg
[04:53:03 PM] [r1co-] now stfu Chick-kun
^ uncalled for, i didnt say anything
[04:53:17 PM] [r1co-] learn keeping then yoz would know that he made nothing wrong
^ wtf did i even say?

and, only script kiddies make "remotes" aka on text event. if you knew ANYTHING about scripting youd put a spam timer on that script.
youre just talking out of your ass like a little kid
grow the fuck up

and > making something useful for the bot = dont get ops.
i wont make anymore scripts to help people like you who are unappreciative
its so you dont have to type /msg DB_Pickup which takes time
so stop complaining like the little kid that you are.

Posted: 12-01-2004 18:52
by cY|riCo
lol what did you say?

the whole time frosch FROSCH and so on like a fucking kiddie...

that annoyed kermet and i wanted to defend him...

and yes i dont understand y some people have op there!

some of them dont even play deathball anymore or they arent good in it :rolleyes:

Posted: 12-01-2004 18:54
by Chick-kun
frosch is a word
yes, unbelievable isnt it?
omg lolz frosch omfg he said frosch!
anyone that gets annoyed by one word needs help
and explain about the_mobe (sorry but i needed this as an example mobe =X) have you seen him play much DB? do we even know if hes good? still, he is deathball head admin and does lots of things "behind the scenes" of db.
so stop acting like spam kiddies trying to look big.

Posted: 12-01-2004 18:56
by cY|riCo
lol its like some people say the whole time Chick-Kun or n00b...

if n00b stands for Chick-kun and some silly kids always say that when you are to silly to score or catch a ball \o/ :lol:

that wouldnt anoy you?

Posted: 12-01-2004 18:58
by cY|riCo
lol now tell me who you mean by he...

Posted: 12-01-2004 19:03
by Chick-kun
cY|riCo wrote: lol its like some people say the whole time Chick-Kun or n00b...

if n00b stands for Chick-kun and some silly kids always say that when you are to silly to score or catch a ball \o/ :lol:

that wouldnt anoy you?

lmao, who cares if i cant catch, its not my fault, im just crap. and lmao if someone called me a n00b i wouldnt care cause its just a fucking game X_x
had to make your bum buddy make a post to boost your ego eh rico?

Posted: 12-01-2004 19:07
by cY|riCo
no i would have been to lazy to open a thread :o

but after kerme did i helped him :P

and of course its not your fault if you cant catch :lol:
dream on :blabla:

Posted: 12-01-2004 19:07
by Willei
1f b31ng teh g00dest at teh DB g0t yuo an 0p, th3n 1'd b3 t3h on1y @ lololol KTHX

Posted: 12-01-2004 19:09
by Chick-kun
Willei wrote: 1f b31ng teh g00dest at teh DB g0t yuo an 0p, th3n 1'd b3 t3h on1y @ lololol KTHX

tr00 dat yo willei

and rico, im crap, so fucking what?

something the matter rico? cant finish what you started?
pretty pathetic to see someone complain over being kicked. you rejoined 0.1 second later... omg, your life is going to end X_X

Posted: 12-01-2004 19:22
by BL44T
-_- so useless

Posted: 12-01-2004 19:29
by DavidM
Do what you want, except channel notices. It's annoying the shit outta me. One of the only useful rules that's being dodged by op's all the time. Can't really do that... 0_o

Posted: 12-01-2004 19:31
by cY|riCo
uhm i dont care about that you kicked me...
thats not the reason....

you annoyed kermet and because he is my friend i defended him...
and of course you are able to say sth abot my life :)

Posted: 12-01-2004 19:39
by Chick-kun
lol DavidM, ive never done channel notices since the rule was put up ;)
and rico lmao i didnt say anything to kerm you idiot -_-
just stfu and mind your own fucking business
oh wait
you dont have a brain
im sorry =(
dont cry, its just a game =*(

Posted: 12-01-2004 19:48
by cY|riCo
roflmao im getting stupid by reading this....

you said sth against him while always saying this frosch shit
i know you didnt call him a noob or sth... you arent in the position to do that so \o/

and the you say again that i have no brain what shows that you cant say sth against me on regular points...

i could also say now: "just stfu and mind your own fucking business."

then:" dont cry, its just a game =*( ." :lol:

its not about this game and i have no reason to cry....

its about social behaviour!