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Looking for person who has a DB clan who played DAOC!

Posted: 06-01-2004 19:53
by KonigDAOC
I am searching for a friend of mine whos name in DAOC was Aragwen(arms) and Xae(Therug). Would like to talk to him about a few things. NOT over IRC. If anyone knows who I am talking about please give my contact info to him.

Can contact me on msn at or ICQ at 49981600 or on AIM at KonigDrache perferably not over IRC.

Thanks for your time



Posted: 06-01-2004 20:26
by Messy
O_o Never heard of either of u :x

Posted: 06-01-2004 20:47
by BlackFlame
tell me why and ill tell you what i know

Posted: 06-01-2004 21:31
by LyNxOwnsYou
i know him but i need money

do you have paypal? :D

Posted: 07-01-2004 21:05
by fs|Pele
i played DAOC but not under those names >_<

but you prolly are middies !!! DIE!!!!!!!

ps: if your a hibbie ....die too ,k ?

Posted: 18-01-2004 09:21
by CaPøNe

Posted: 18-01-2004 09:22
by CaPøNe