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Another NA based DL location

Posted: 05-01-2004 05:31
by Nordy
hey yall... is back and in full swing.

We have the latest versions of DB up, some maps, and a few other mods aswell. You must be a member to DL, but i did it that way to make sure folks just don't grab all of the bandwidth right from the get go.. there is no file queuing of any type and it's all free.. there is an arcade in the forums to keep you occupied while you download and i am trying to make it a fairly enjoyable place to hang out..

the site used to be about deathball ages ago.. now it is just a decent place for folks to have a DL location, forums to discuss anything they feel compelled to talk about, and a nice little arcade to waste away a couple of hours..

DeathBall team: if you guys can come up with a 468x60 banner, i will put it in the banner rotation.. banner adverts are free for clans and mods.. so if any of you other fellas want a banner in rotation, just let me know..

So just drop by, and we are in the middle of adding new things and are looking for ideas so just drop a line if ya got some comments/questions or things you want added to the site.

Posted: 05-01-2004 08:01
by Armagon
I'm glad to see you have the Deathball Ownage Map Packs up there. :)

EDIT: I also noticed that you have a reviews stat. If you would like, I can submit the map reviews I've done to the site.

Posted: 05-01-2004 08:30
by RaGe|DB
YES. i had an account there cuz i loved it. will register soon again :D

Posted: 05-01-2004 08:56
by Nordy
Armagon wrote: I'm glad to see you have the Deathball Ownage Map Packs up there. :)

EDIT: I also noticed that you have a reviews stat. If you would like, I can submit the map reviews I've done to the site.

That would be awesome Armagon, pm me either here or on dbcenter and we can work somethin out :p

RaGe|DB wrote: YES. i had an account there cuz i loved it. will register soon again :D

I remember you from before, your sig was all wacky and had all different colors :D

Posted: 07-01-2004 04:26
by InSaNe`

Posted: 07-01-2004 05:56
by Nordy
InSaNe` wrote: TIME TO SPAM :D

\o/ 4 :spammer:

Posted: 07-01-2004 12:31
by BurntLeaf
You the guys that hosted bloodpit right, I cant exactly remember who made it though

Posted: 07-01-2004 19:58
by Hoju
blaaguuu and wasabi made it mostly, i think a couple other people made maps but it was mostly them

Posted: 14-01-2004 03:33
by Nordy
BurntLeaf wrote: You the guys that hosted bloodpit right, I cant exactly remember who made it though

[-SoP-]Blaaguuu coded it, and [-SoP-]Wasabi made the website for it, and a lot of people made maps for it.