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slamball - this map is great, but ...

Posted: 30-12-2003 21:10
by gKo°beginna
for the points it would be amazing if it counts 3 points when you score outside the 1 point area.
just an idea, but i very good map that pwns!

Posted: 30-12-2003 21:20
by Onge
There is a mutator that does this...2 pts for a normal basket, 3 pts for a longshot, volley or when you carry the ball into the basket...

Posted: 30-12-2003 21:31
by Messy
Yup :) It used to be included with the map, but as has been reported before by the map's author plær: the newest version of the map (including this piece of script) has been lost on plær's old hard drive.

Which is a shame :(

I've played it tho! na na nana na! :D

Posted: 30-12-2003 22:27
by Armagon
He's gonna re-write it once DB 2.0 is out.

Posted: 31-12-2003 00:34
by -plær-
or...write a quick stop-gap one for the time being :D
you'll see ;)

Posted: 31-12-2003 00:34
by BurntLeaf
which ive played :D

Posted: 31-12-2003 00:44
by Messy
me too :D

Lost it in a format tho :<
Any chance any1 still has it? (of the people who once played it)

Posted: 31-12-2003 00:47
by BurntLeaf
erm, he only made it today O_O

Posted: 31-12-2003 01:16
by -plær-
I rewrote it earlier today.
Still a couple of bugs to iron out.

Posted: 31-12-2003 01:28
by Onge
I still have an earlier version of sb with mutator thingy Messy...It's just that plaer doesn't seem to want or need it!

Posted: 31-12-2003 13:13
by -Camel-
thats cos he's already writen a quick 1 4 1.9, expect it in the shops soon :D

p.s. i've played it, its goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

Posted: 31-12-2003 14:55
by -plær-
The old one won't work with 1.9. I needed to hack about with some var names, and get replays working.

The only bug left is that keepers seem to have overlays on replays, but tbh, it's more effort than I can be arsed to expend on such a minor thing.

(For those who haven't seen the concept, there are no keepers in this mut).

Expect to see something available later today. \o/

Posted: 31-12-2003 21:06
by -plær-
*sometime later today*
here ya go

Posted: 01-01-2004 14:10
by gKo°beginna
great :),
now there must be just another slamball league lol.

Posted: 01-01-2004 17:15
by Messy
lol :)

Sorry for the mix-up thingy, thought u were talking bout the old one leef.

Nice one plær (for all who haven't seen the *official thread* ;) @ ... eadid=9424)

So..we've got a cube only server, a volley only server, custom map servers, a tennis server and a gibball bout a slamball server? \o/