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what is the problem with Kids under 15 playing DB ??

Posted: 28-12-2003 05:58
by Ha]SS[aN
what is the problem with kids playing db ?? is it that they cant play good or can underestand well give ur opinion on it plz tanX :)
:noob: ?:spammer: ?:blabla: ?

Posted: 28-12-2003 06:05
by *LeC*23*
I havent got any problems with kids :) some kids can play better than other players ;)

Go Kids GO! :p

:noob: :hmmmz: :lol:

Posted: 28-12-2003 09:39
by GoldenGun
o_O rofl, some kids don't know how to behave, btw the mental age counts ;-)

Posted: 28-12-2003 10:08
by RaGe|DB
loof owns you? kthx

Posted: 28-12-2003 11:57
by Mayer.hun
They dunno how to behave, and when they get into a clan... they are omfg happy, and u just can't beat em off on IRC since they bomb u with their senseless PMs :/

BTW... I don't have problem with kids... if they leave me alone and doesn't get me angry ;)

Posted: 28-12-2003 12:01
by [GR]Kermit
200 posts kthx

/me shut up

Posted: 28-12-2003 12:12
by speedy

Posted: 28-12-2003 12:32
by BlackFlame
mayer loofy is one of the youngest (i think) and doesnt do any of the things you said and appears to be alot more mature than other players i know

Posted: 28-12-2003 12:48
by [GR]Kermit
TripleX is younger kthx.
He is 11 kthx.

Posted: 28-12-2003 12:55
by RaGe|DB
DJ.G is 11

Posted: 28-12-2003 13:08
by FeEdiKo
robban is 8


Posted: 28-12-2003 13:35
by [GR]Kermit
My grandma is 79

Posted: 28-12-2003 13:37
by Lysdexic Mokney
i was under the impression that ut2k3 is for peeps 15+

in other news, robban is hot

Posted: 28-12-2003 13:42
by FeEdiKo
robban is mine \o/

Posted: 28-12-2003 13:43
by Lysdexic Mokney
i tapped that ass first, enjoy sloppy seconds kidda