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af is searching for a keep0r

Posted: 27-12-2003 01:21
by siLVer
also wir brauchen noch nen keeper weil aoz imo für dp und af keept. da wir in der nächsten saison bei dbl mit dabei sind brauchen wir noch nen keeper.
wenn du lust hast join #af.db
oder schick ne pm an
oder mich

wäre von vorteil wenn du deutsch sprichst.


we need a second keeper,because aoz is splitted between dp and us.
we need a keeper who can play for us in the next season.
if you're interested join #af.db
or send a pm @
or me

you don't have to be german but it would be cool ^^

cYa \o/

Posted: 27-12-2003 01:41
by Kr4ng
spam :o \o/

Posted: 27-12-2003 01:43
by siLVer
du bist hier nicht gefragt.
kthx ^^

Posted: 27-12-2003 01:58
by Messy
Ins Germl0r

Ich Brauch Noch Ein Bratwurst KDANKE

In english:

Silver can keep...right? O_o
Or is that smallcube only ;p
gl finding one tho x_X sorry that i can't help you.

edit: ok my bad u just dont have 5 ppl and all of the other positions are filled \o/ (even tho u all can keep a bit ;))


Posted: 27-12-2003 02:00
by siLVer
yep ^^

(i could keep. and reccy could keep ,too.
maybe haz is a keeper , and highpriest can keep too.
but.....we aren't keeper :P)

Posted: 27-12-2003 11:47
by Scorp
if 4 guys of you can keep, wheres the problem ? :eek:

Posted: 27-12-2003 11:54
by [GR]Kermit
there is no problem? \o/

Posted: 27-12-2003 12:44
by Requiem``
there's a problem

a frog is spamming everywhere, 1000€ reward if u can catch it alive \o/

Posted: 27-12-2003 13:29
by [GR]Kermit
Hey i'm a proud Member of the 3dg LeXX Spam Elite kthx

Posted: 27-12-2003 16:09
by siLVer
the prob is, no one wants to keep, because keeping sucks and it's boring :P

Posted: 27-12-2003 23:26
by Scorp
keeping dont sucks, its fun =/

Posted: 28-12-2003 10:43
by RaGe|DB
Requiem`` wrote: there's a problem

a frog is spamming everywhere, 1000€ reward if u can catch it alive \o/

would i get 500 if i get him dead? those 500 are just sheer fun then :p

Posted: 28-12-2003 11:59
by [GR]Kermit
siLVer wrote: the prob is, no one wants to keep, because keeping sucks and it's boring :P
no keeping is not boring.
You are the players who can write all the time.

Posted: 28-12-2003 13:52
by Requiem``
yup and it's the perfect pos if u're drunk/stoned \o/

Posted: 28-12-2003 16:42
by reCol`-
we dont want to discuss what all u guys can do when hes keepin ..
the prob is : af searches keeper not spammors \o/

so ](*,) and post here if u want to Keep for aF
