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these forums are

Posted: 17-12-2003 20:08
by speedy
boring ;(

Posted: 17-12-2003 20:32
by RaGe|DB
yes ur right, they used to be fun but lately its getting to serious :<

Posted: 17-12-2003 20:49
by speedy

Posted: 17-12-2003 21:00
by GreyFox
yet , u r still here ^^ :p

Posted: 17-12-2003 21:01
by Messy serious O_o

Anyway, today I stayed home because I was tired and too lazy to go to school, so i convinced my mother saying I had been revising too much late at night so I needed sleep, and this was the only day I didn't have an important test, so I stayed home, slacked and slept \o.

But only till 10 because my mom had to change the sheets of the beds :<

Posted: 17-12-2003 21:03
by RaGe|DB
next time sleep on the floor then... :o

Posted: 17-12-2003 22:04
by speedy

Posted: 18-12-2003 19:33
by Messy
I was actually gonna :) But she forced me to wake up =\

So I took a half-hour shower (rhymes kthx.) and slept on the couch a bit.

Posted: 18-12-2003 21:40
by Armagon
i just remembered that the total limit of characters you can have is over 10000. i thought "wow, i wonder if stulovesyou could get even that far, quite a feat for anyone, and for one to undertake such a quest would require a decent dose of insanity and stupidity". so here goes.

at the end of that introduction, i have come to the conclusion that it is exactle 256 words long. comparitively, i guess that isnt a very long introduction, but i guess that it isnt quite so bad considering ayanami might try to read and i thought id better keep the intro short so he doesnt lose interest, considering the times hes not stoned are less frequent than when i have a meal not consisting of glass.

speaking of glass, i have a brilliant story. there are twists and everything. its true, it happened to me a few years back. me, my uncle and my cousin OH NO I WROTE BAD GRAMMER THE END anyways we were staying at the beach and my uncle came up with the crazy idea "hey, lets tie the kite to 300m of string and fly it on the beach!". me being insane was already in the process of eating the string, but thats another story all together, maybe one that i will save for farther into this "super post" of mine. so with the stright and the kite set up, down to the beach we headed. a beautiful day twas, a beautiful day indeed. i spotted some glass on the ground but thats a different story altogether. once we reached the beach we noticed it was quite windy, obviously to our pioneering super stringed kite's advantage. after fastening the loose end of the string to a crap shower (you know the ones, the ones that write biting political satires), we let our little beast out into the unknown. a gust lifted the kite into the air and to our astonishment, it quickly became a rather small dot in the distance. being a wonderful incarnation of todays youth, my cousin and i quickly became uninterested and began throwing seaweed at each other, but then we saw some newspaper on the ground! A REVALATION!!! myself being a fan of explosions, we began putting bits of newspaper on the string and watching it zoom away to its kite smashing doom far in the sky. the newspaper quickly dissapeared and we were left again to entertain ourselves. me easily being fascinated with shiny things i saw a piece of seaweed that looked like merv hughes mostache and it had me laughing for about 10 minutes. after having such great fun with the newspaper, i decided to send old merv's tache up to the heavens, and a brilliant idea it was! this seemed to humour my not all so bright cousin, and the then came up with the idea of sticking a rather large peice of seaweed on the line, purely out of curiosity. this was no run of the mill seaweed tho. this was a piece of seaweed that rivalled in weight with mr merv hughes himself! moving at a rate slower than walking pace, the kite dropped slowly as the seaweed ascended and then SPAST! the wind stopped. watching the now seaweed laden kide dive for the powerlines, we all rushed to pull it in. the kite wrapped a couple of times around the lines and then a rather large explosion ensued once the lines were pulled together. at this point id like to point out that it created a nice layer of glass in the sand where the lines fell. a fat old lady yelled at us because she couldnt watch tv, but we all knew she was going to eat it anyway.

the end.

well at least that is the end of that chapter, as i have only managed to come to 3500 characters, so obviously it is only one of many chapters, and each one will obviously be better than the last, until we reach the nail biting conclusion that i will have to concuct before we reach it. which reminds me, after writing twas, for some reason or another it reminded me of pirates, which reminded me of some posters i have been seeing pop up around the university recently. september the 19th i do believe is "international speak like a pirate day", correct me if the date is wrong but i think it is irrelevant. that the important thing is is that a day of the calendar has been devoted to those of us who, say, like to eat glass. yes, indeed, i am a fan of speaking like a pirate. it is beneficial on so many levels. most people might say something like "what type of tools want to speak like a pirate, they must bee tools, goddamn tools, it has no purpose apart from making yourself more tool-like in appearence" and i have a couple of words for these small minded plop badgering carpet snaggers, 1) get a thesaurus and 2) it does indeed serve a very useful purpose. for you see many people nowadays think of pirating as all copyright infringing excitement, but we must truly look towards our plundering roots, as those days shaped the world we live in today. hell, without the age of the pirates, would we have things like pantaloons? or even peglegs? imagine life without the skull and crossbones. indeed, it would be a sad sad boring lonely child molesting world. a world where people ride cats to public toilets where large numbers congregate to participate in the backwards bogging festivals that would be held biannually. tools indeed! so on this upcoming day i ask all of you to make a pirate hat, buy a parrot and amputate your leg so you can go pillage and pluder to your hearts content!

speaking of crazy people i have managed to finally break the halfway point of 5000 characters. quite an acheivement in my eyes, i am unsure as to if even stu has reached this quite astounding level of courage and, shall we say, stamina for loss of a better word. even i am beginning to think i havent even written an essay this length, or more correctly, i should be writing essays of this length at the moment, and that is one of the sole reasons why i am doing this. alas, i have better things to do, but i have chosen to avoid them in pursuit of much greater heights of personal stupidity. i certainly hope that the 10000 word limits is one of the larger word limits to be found on these ever so popular vbulletin forums.

maybe this long long message is in response to the quite lacklustre one line spams that have been appearing looking down at the little history box below this text box, which might i add, is rather bursting at the seams. speaking of bursting seams, i laugh when peoples pants split.

which reminds me of the great days of yore, back in high school, where we all used to play soccer every day until the cows came home. the cow being me, as some of you brighter little cookies may have deducted from my nickname. i will speak of that later though, as there is the currently more important story i am currently devulging. anyways, there were quite a few fatties that used to play with us. they used to hang around the canteed quite a bit saying "may i have two score eight peices of pertacci, alas i only have one score shilling and thruppence so i cannot be consuming the usual five score seven quantity". but when they werent preoccupied with their ever so important ingesting, they would join us on the soccer pitch. back in those days, soccer pitches, or "ball kicking ground" as we used to coin it, was not one hundred metres like the new fan dangled pitches used nowadays dag nabbit, it was eight score shin lengths, as shins were what were used then. "eight shins of timber for me cart" one would say. anyway, of these fatties, their pants would often tear much to their embarrasment. and i think that is quite the end of that chapter, considering i have just hit 7500 characters.

just then i accidently wrote words instead of characters and had to fix it with great haste. which brings me to think that i may have done it on earlier occaisions, but i cannot be stuffed rifling through all this crap that i have typed. yes, thats right, you heard it from me first, all of this is scat. much akin to the scat that the scatman used to sing. i had a scatman cd waaaaaaaay before he was cool, but ended up giving the cd to a guy who smelled like metho and that everyone hated. he moved to queensland. everyone was happy. sorry to have offloaded him onto you guys eclip and god, but it had to be done. here in the AC of T, thanks to the well televised metho drought, many people have been extradited, stuff the spelling, in order to make it possible for the wonderfully plentiful levels of yore to replenish so we can all be joyful again in the plentifullness of the metho, which brings so much joy to the children every christmas day.

some people say that feeding children metho is "immoral". but i believe that saying something like that is either hypocritical or is an attempt to redefine what "moral" really means. now as i understand it, if something is immoral, it goes aganst the general ethic. to say that giving a gift on christmas day is unethical, then lock me up. to these people i say "SHUT UP YOU CRUNCHY NUTS". thankyou whoever came up with that insult, i believe that it enriches the english lexicon, just like salmonella enriches old meat.

clicking on the check message length button now tells me that i have written exactly 8999 characters. so close, but so far, as my eyelids are beginning to close themselves and i am sure a nap will ensue. i think i would like to close this pointless and monotonous rambling to say thankyou to anyone who had the courage to read through it and i pose this question, who is the idiot? am i the idiot for writing this crap? or are you the idiot for reading it? i will leave it up to the thread to answer that question but id better give my two cents first. i say we are all equally idiots, save some people who are more so idiots, but that is out of the scope of this discussion. the only thing which can save us is randomness. maybe this essay is for those straight laced fools out there. maybe they are the true loonies. their minds are under control and they will never experience the wonderful thing that is "glass eating". but now this is definitely the end. Passed 10000!!

Posted: 18-12-2003 21:58
by speedy
doodoodoodoodoo lalala.........

Posted: 18-12-2003 22:04
by Dazlin
idd... btw is skill-club fun... cos ina is just plain shit now :/

Posted: 18-12-2003 22:09
by speedy
YES WANT SOPME FOOD!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111?//

Posted: 18-12-2003 23:18
by BlackFlame
i r the idiot i read it

Posted: 18-12-2003 23:47
by absuga
well i tried 2 read armagedon history but i gave up :|

Posted: 19-12-2003 13:33
by BlackFlame
read it, it gets real good near the end