Wall Kids

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Wall Kids

Post by f1end »

Why is it that as soon as any1 says "Volley Only" half the db players in the world think this means you HAVE to hit the ball against the back wall, then volley it yourself? Which usually results in the other team getting the ball.

What is wrong with a good shoot-pass just infront of some1...quite a few good players can time these very well, or a simple pass?


And also, I found it very hard to get a good NORMAL game of deathball last night...everywhere was VO...small cube...avenir...etc.


::Pfffff:: :hmmmz: :blabla:
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Post by Triple_B »

cause there came a lot of new people to the DB community lately...these are the ones who play sc, vo and stuff the most and aren't that advanced yet I guess, so they 'wallkid' the ball. Or its just out of egoism :)

And idd...you're also right about the fact that there arent many peeps playing normal cube anymore, or november or something...
and if there are then it are mostly noobs...

So coming to the conclusion.....I think you have to play pickups more often for an ermm *cough* 'decent' *cough* game...
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Post by -plær- »

My take on this is, if they are having fun, who cares?
Let the pub players wallwhore it up all they want. If they try that stuff in pickups or dbl, expect to see carnage though. Anyone remember $69$ ?
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Post by Triple_B »

of course :) the 69ers

wallwhoring to the max I assume :)
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Post by Young_One »

i know for a fact that most noobs who join the game, start at twigsters for some odd reason (na noobs at least). This is one of the reasons that you see a whole lotta "wall kids". and anyways there arent really that many flourshing non vo servers in na. we have some great ones, its just they have custom maps and their redirects are broken :p (imaginos) everyone play gibball :p
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Post by f1end »

Triple_B wrote: I think you have to play pickups more often for an ermm *cough* 'decent' *cough* game...

Problem with this is that I quite often only have a short time to play and the average pickup takes 10-20 mins to fill up...then another 10-20 mins for every1 to connect to the server and actually click 'ready'...then 30 mins of db...followed by sitting at my PC in irc again till the next 1 finally starts.

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Post by Maegrim »

i hit it against the side wall on sc ;)
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Post by Triple_B »

yeh you're completely right there f1end (altho its a bit exaggerated :))

and most pickups are only 20 minutes, so mostly the waitingtime takes even more than the time you actually play the game
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Post by RaGe|DB »

we got a volley only mutator, why not a shoot-only mutator?
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Post by NitrousOxide »

RaGe|DB wrote: we got a volley only mutator, why not a shoot-only mutator?

Just what I was thinking the other day :p

And what is with these servers that play VO of every map in their cycle, yet the VO option isn't being used by admins, so when you score a normal goal you get vote-kicked? Oh, but its apparently ok to walk into the goal carrying the goal!:hmmmz:
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Post by f1end »

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Post by Imo »

123/4 server not busy any more?
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

I know if you play on NA servers, there are certian maps that are always volley only, and some maps that are always regular. It's just a matter of telling people that dont know.

People play volley only generally on smaller, more enclosed maps (it wouldnt make much sense to play volley only on cube or something of that size)
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Post by Messy »

NitrousOxide wrote: JOh, but its apparently ok to walk into the goal carrying the goal!:hmmmz:

Touch-down was always a 'legal' way of scoring in vo, untill davidm and co made a mistake with coding and accidentally made touch-downs illegal when the vo bool was true.

And now every1 has forgotten how vo used to be played :(

Well I don't give a sh*t about vo anyway, deathball seems to lose about 50 iq when it turns volley only.

5on5 vo smallcube ------> every1 tries to volley it off the wall, every1 catches their own teamies shots by accident, the keeper is jumping around catching wallpasses (and missed n00b-shots by 3dg members :p;)) while he is masturbating with his other hand and reading a book about messian prophecies.
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Post by bURNINGrOID »

Twigs server is always full because VO is fun. It is not for morons or noobs only, to play VO well takes skill. So stop player hating.