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Pbox camping solution?

Posted: 25-11-2003 16:48
by Imo
Hi, this is for DavidM so we can minimise pbox camping.

The amount of damage done in the pbox when a attacker is hit is basically 60*2.. the thought is that the number of defenders (not including the keeper) in the box becomes the denominator.

So, with all four people in the box:

Max damage done by them in the box is: (60*2) / 4

Big incentive not to have that many people in the box on defence.

Posted: 25-11-2003 16:57
by Armagon
In the P box 100 damage is done, not 60. Apart from that error, this is a pretty good idea. This means that they could have one defender sitting in the p box which could kill the attacker in one hit, but if they have more people in there it would be more risky for the defense. Not only would this discourage P box camping, this would encourage man to man defense.

Posted: 25-11-2003 17:09
by Maegrim

Posted: 25-11-2003 17:25
by Messy
Which would only be fair if attackers health was 120, which it isnt ;p

Basically because it only talks about an in-pbox environment, u can say damage is done taking off 100 health.

Thus y= 100 / (x-1) where x is the amount of people in their OWN pbox. and y is the amount of damage one defender can do.

Anyway..meh I think the minimum amount of damage should be either 50 or 33,3.., thus stopping the denomination after 3 defenders :o

Posted: 25-11-2003 17:34
by Onge
As a defender I'm not sure I agree with this. I don't like to camp in my pbox as it's not much fun and I tend to just block the view of the keeper. But I think instagib in the opposition pbox should remain.

The solution? Maybe make the size of the pbox smaller? Or have some basketball sytle rule that means you cannot camp in your own pbox for more than a certain amount of time in one go? I know pbox camping really annoys attackers but any drastic changes would not be welcome (well not by me anyway!)

Posted: 25-11-2003 17:43
by Robotojon
Or just reduce boost considerably.

This way it will be important for a team to have good shape - sure, you can penalty camp, but you will pay for it.

Posted: 25-11-2003 17:44
by jet2lag
remember the time the instakill was removed - it' just sucked and was unplayable

(not that this solution is the same but i just want to make you remember)

Posted: 25-11-2003 17:52
by Messy
Onge wrote: Instagib in the opposition pbox should remain.

It would..since denominating by 1 would be the same -.-
Just only for 1 defender and the keeper, and only if there are no others in the pbox.

Maybe also for 2 defenders (and the 1 keep) if we find out covering multiple players successfully would become to hard if otherwise?

Posted: 25-11-2003 18:29
by DavidM
to me there is no 'pbox camping problem'

Posted: 25-11-2003 18:48
by BloodyLoony
To me there is and to me if you don't even realize this now, DeathBall is doomed.
Think about it.
Pbox 'camping' has been the root of all the 'tricks' you've removed by various shaky solutions.
Why do you think the german clans found broomsticks necessary?
The problem isn't really intentional pbox camping, because with the current gameplay any match bewteen two good teams will automatically end up in the boxes. But actually I'm not so sure we have to look for the solution inside the box. Looking at eg. boosting as Robotojon mentions could be another solution.
But whatever you do, if anything, don't put up any more fences. Make the rules of Deathball simpler, partly for the noob factor, partly because the simpler rules, the more advanced the gameplay can be (at least to a certain extent).

Posted: 25-11-2003 18:50
by Morning*Star
people camp without even realising it

Posted: 25-11-2003 18:54
by Imo
even the almighty.

Posted: 25-11-2003 19:00
by BloodyLoony
Exactly my point Morning Star. And yes, even the almighty does it without realizing it... this all just shows me that the future of DB doesn't look bright at all.

Posted: 25-11-2003 19:17
by DavidM
DB is dying for over one year now.......just for your info :)

Posted: 25-11-2003 19:40
by jet2lag
totgesagte leben länger ;)

feel free to translate it ;)