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Dream team

Posted: 24-11-2003 08:59
by Kazaa
Write ur DB dream team , name 1 keeper , 1 sweeper , 1 midfielder, 2 attackers

Use players from alla leagues , div1, div2, div3 , NA

Posted: 24-11-2003 10:22
by XiLLeRaToR
insti > mach > trip > gaz > star

Posted: 24-11-2003 11:54
by [1234]Jr
:lol: :lol: Xill wins :(

Posted: 24-11-2003 13:42
by Hugi
keeper: Hugi
sweeper: Hugi
Mid: Hugi
offence: 2 Hugis

ill pwn ya

Posted: 24-11-2003 16:34
by Cenotaph
Insti, Mach, CeNNy \o/ *cough*, Gaz, Star

and Jr is coach :p

Posted: 24-11-2003 16:36
by [1234]Jr
..Ceno wins!

Posted: 24-11-2003 18:02
by n3o
hugi wins !!!!!

Posted: 24-11-2003 18:05
by [GR]Kermit
keeper: Kermet, Sweeper: o_O, Mid: Kermit, Off Germit and o_O


Posted: 24-11-2003 18:08
by Onge
Froste > Wibble > Sqleaf > Bloody > Chrisfu

All to make box defend. Defence pwns j00!!!11!1one.

Posted: 24-11-2003 21:24
by Messy
Nameless -> Wibble -> Xill -> Star -> Cata

just random ;p
It's not like any1 can pick summit O_o

Posted: 24-11-2003 23:43
by BlackFlame
Khushdi - Mach - Xill - FireCell - Cata \o/

Posted: 25-11-2003 13:21
by Triple_B
cenny u suck! :D

Posted: 25-11-2003 13:36
by Fallen
Me - Halle Berry - Jessica Alba - JLO - Stacy Kiebler

Posted: 25-11-2003 13:44
by XiLLeRaToR
ooooooh now that i can do:)

Posted: 25-11-2003 14:23
by Catalyst88
So what formation would they play? ;)