back to the future?

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back to the future?

Post by -plær- »

It's an essay I know, but please read it through. :)

1.9 has been out for long enough for me to have a balanced opinion of it. And in all honesty, I don't like it. Where do I begin?

First off, I am not a fan of moves getting whored, but I think the restrictions of passing to a boosted player are far too harsh. It really cuts down on the free-flowing nature of midfield play. In order to initiate one of the so-called "lame" broom/boost/thingtrick moves, it requires 3 players to work together in sync. Call me crazy, but I thought that we were supposed to be encouraging teamwork.

Next up, the lag issue. Many suggestions have been offered as to why people are getting lag on deathball 1.9, and to be honest that's all they are, suggestions. No one (afaik) has come up with a definitive solution to the problem, or even found out what the exact cause of it is.

It is not a bandwidth issue, it is not a hardware issue, and until it is resolved, db will continue to be far less playable, and far less enjoyable than the earlier incarnations.

Another point: the noises.
These took me completely by surprise when the final release came along, because they hadn't even been mentioned, let alone appeared in any beta versions. Ignoring the fact that they don't work very well (ie fux0red catch/hit radii, but we knew that they were all messed up anyway), I am still to figure out which noise is which (and yes I know...rtfm).

I have never had a problem with telling which player/team was in possesion of the ball in previous db incarnations. I think there are four visual ways of checking this (mid radar; corner radar; corner text; possession change message in top-centre). All the noises serve to do is annoy.

1.9 has also been the first db to give me serious stabilty issues. I *never* used to crash out of a game. now it happens on a regular basis. Only with db, and only with 1.9.

What else? Broken sprint sure pissed off the ozzies, and let's face it, 1.9 is not encouraging to the na style of play either.

It isn't all bad news though. I think replays are pretty damn cool, and the new version of greenbaize is rather nifty, but that's about it. Oh, and db warfare is ok too. :p Rens.

So what is the solution? Regression.

I'm not suggesting we all move back to 1.4b, "driblering" and boostricks. I genuinely believe that 1.8 was (is) the best version of db to date, and until a db version is released that has all the new features *AND* is mostly bug-free (anyone for fireworks?) , I think we should all stick with the more stable version 1.8

Think about it. How many of you are using winamp3? or, like most, have regressed to 2.x? Hell, nullsoft themselves realised their mistake, and released 2.9x, which had a whole bunch of version 3 features, to repent their for their sins.

Going back to 1.8: what do you think? False dream, or realistic possibility? I don't think 1.9 was anything more than a rush-job, and I honestly believe that this is the best way forward for db.
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Post by Pyroteknik »

can't disagree.

i Seem to have gotten quite lucky, i don't crash out much at all, i don't lag much, i can stand the noises. I JUST CAN"T VOLLEY ANYMORE, what have you done???????? i can't believe it's me, i know u did sumthing...

"here put this in pyro's kool-aid he won't be able to you k'now....volley."

not impressededed :D

1.8 for me plz.
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Post by Onge »

1.9 was definately rushed. But I don't like going backwards. Instead of worrying about round balls and what-not, the priority should be debugging DB...But as DM doesn't have any coders this won't be happening as soon as it should...
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Post by Catalyst88 »

And because of the way davidm nags his coders to distraction they don't have as much inclination to complete the most important stuff, which is also why people would rather not be part of the dev team.
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Post by bURNINGrOID »

I don't think the posession beeps are necessary, but honestly, I don't even notice them anymore. The smaller volley radius definitely threw me off for a bit, but I like it better as is. You need to be more precise, but that's not a bad thing. In theory it should make volleys less spammy.

I have noticed some lag issues, it seems to be caused when players join a game. Just a half second hitch. I have noticed this in previous versions, but it does seem a little more pronounced now. I have had no stability issues at all.

There is no reason to go back a version, but the rough edges need to be polished off, but that's an ongoing process.
Last edited by bURNINGrOID on 20-11-2003 23:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by canash »

I allways lags out in a DB match, and i have never done that before... and dont tell me that it is my bandwidth, because a 1mbit cable shouldn't behave that way....
But that firework bug is really anoying...
But else i like the new version... :devil:
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Post by DavidM »

the firework thing is related to some certain setting on your side
some get it all the time, and some never ever x_X
we should compare settings somehow
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Post by Croaker »

well, i hope it wont be there in next version :(
Cause when it happens, you really need reconnect...
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Post by fs|Pele »

oh well pyro , your not the only one :x
at the end of 1.6 i was a volleywhore ...
in 1.8 it started to lacks cause for some reason i dont hit it as often but in 1.9 forget it ..... :x

i dont hit shit

and for some reason 3rd pass shit is fucked up up too ... most of the time the ball comes too late and too low... making you look ridiculous :D

but ive always been an idiot when it came to volleying :x

itll prolly be my incompetence that causes me to miss
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

DavidM wrote: the firework thing is related to some certain setting on your side
some get it all the time, and some never ever x_X
we should compare settings somehow

i havent changed my settings at all from 1.8 to 1.9

ill take a screenshot of my settings and post it up. (i get the bug very frequently)

also, very nice post plaer, i completely agree with it all.
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Post by Twigstir »

1.8 to 1.9 settings remained the same. I almost never get the bug, but I do get it.
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Post by absuga »

1.9 is the best version after 1.4b (replays just own)
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Post by Robotojon »

i agree with pleargh - 1.8 was better. I prefer the smaller volley in 1.9 (i.e not stupidly unrealistic as before hitting vollys out of your ass) but generally, i find it a lot laggier, and i get the firework bug sometimes (which i didnt know exsited befor 1.9)
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Post by Inphidel »

could the lag and emitter bug hafta do with replay?

servers lagging because its using proccessor now to recording the entire time basicly?

and the emitter bug becuase when it shows a replay and the goal happens again the emitter doesnt turn off because its not an 'official' bug?

and one other problem i saw along while back was i one player was getting goals for someone elses goals too because they had the same ip?

coulda been a fluke. but it was like 5-0 and the kid had like 8 goals :) and every award his brother (on the same ip) was supposed to have heh
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Post by Inphidel »

oh yeah, and its not all that bad in 1.9 - I do like the smaller volly radius, things are a slightly harder. and I've even gotten used to the no pass on boost thing. so its not all that bad :)