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New whoremove kthx :p

Posted: 20-11-2003 20:27
by Messy
\o/ Ppl have invented the new whoremove

And i was there to catch it on tape ;)
Meh it's not really that overpowered but i wanted to get the scoop n be cool :p

Was just invented by cY.Rico and cY.HáZ 5 minutes ago, in a pickup vs cY.*23*

Anyway yeh, i recced the end replays thingy and then the admin changed it >:| so u only c a few where they do a high wallpass and boost eachother into it, later in the game most of the finishes were volleys, like the high hover volley thing but w/o the lock :p

Well imo it's not all that new since I tried it with some dudes in 1.7, but since they announced it in that match as "the new whoremove" (also "copyright by cY" etc.) theirselves, i thought i'd post it like this :p

*cough* yeh have fun x_X

Does this make me cool? :D

Posted: 20-11-2003 20:30
by DavidM
i dont see a realistic way to whore this

Posted: 20-11-2003 20:35
by Messy
U didn't answer my question ;)

Posted: 20-11-2003 20:53
by speedy

Posted: 20-11-2003 21:06
by [V3]Cajubski
did that move ages ago...was no need to use while u could still broomstick because it isnt easy to for whoring, it takes quite a bit of skill to pull that kinda move off in a let it be :p

Posted: 20-11-2003 21:40
by Dazlin
[V3]Cajubski wrote: did that move ages ago...was no need to use while u could still broomstick because it isnt easy to for whoring, it takes quite a bit of skill to pull that kinda move off in a let it be :p

yeh in rov we tryed that but found it much easyer just to do a normal shot

Posted: 20-11-2003 21:49
by DavidM
it definetly makes you cool, yes

Posted: 20-11-2003 22:19
by Sequa
[V3]Cajubski wrote: did that move ages ago...

It's copyright protected by cY, you can't just use it without our permission :devil: :p

Posted: 20-11-2003 22:26
by -plær-
they can claim prior art and negate that.

Posted: 20-11-2003 23:12
by cY|riCo
you are so cool messy :lol:

Posted: 21-11-2003 02:49
by Fallen
we used this in 1.6 so cY didnt invent anything!

Posted: 21-11-2003 03:41
by Xelent
yah v3 found this shit a long long time ago, just that straight broomstick was more effecient... and this play turns into shit 95% of the time, not worth trying unless you cant score at all

Posted: 21-11-2003 05:21
by Croaker
vW found that too

and it's no use in real match ... just for fun :)

Posted: 21-11-2003 14:43
by absuga
heh i no it since ages in 2on2 o_O (we whore it 2 on 2on2)

Posted: 21-11-2003 15:04
by RaGe|DB
it did it vs the fucking bots :noob: !!!