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Round ball....?

Posted: 17-11-2003 02:29
by DavidM
Just preparing you for a major change which might change the whole feeling of the game.
You know at the moment the ball is no ball.....its a disk that looks round, but physically its a disk (that's why it's not rolling).

We'll try to turn it into an actual ball that's rolling. I'll try to get the ballance as close to current ball as possible (just that it's rolling and behaving more natural).
But at the moment nobody can foresee what it will be like, this will require some major testing.
I am still affraid that the karma physics engine cannot handle rolling stuff too well and we'll get bugs like ball going thru people or something (even if you mean it, but at the moment it doesn't, its just your ping!)

ok then....

Posted: 17-11-2003 02:34
by BlackFlame
noooo, i use to think you were cool

Posted: 17-11-2003 03:10
by Twigstir
A little more rolling by the ball sounds good and could look more natural than the high floor drag currently.

What worries me is, this mod becoming more of a soccer game and less deathball. Also I'd still rather have all the current bugs fixed before moving into new directions.

P.S. I thought you didn't have a team?

Posted: 17-11-2003 08:36
by BL44T
this mod becoming more of a soccer game and less deathball.
thats what i thought

Posted: 17-11-2003 09:32
by jet2lag
agree with Twigstir too.

but perhaps we could test that in a mutator or something like that?

Posted: 17-11-2003 12:03
by DiStUrbeD
is this the same type of bug thing that causes the jizz floors? (sticky, where the ball "rolls" about 2ft)

Posted: 17-11-2003 14:03
by XiLLeRaToR
could be good if implemented properly, i agree with whoever above said it would be cool as a mutator

Posted: 17-11-2003 15:38
by Messy
Sounds interesting..might change a bit too much tho O_o
Even for me :p

Anyway...meh, u *could* put it in as a Bool, but u'd have to get rid of some other Bools no1 cares about any longer ( like shots from other half etc. ), and maybe the same would happen as with sprint...people won't use it and never get used to it.

I suggest u give it a go tho ;p

Posted: 17-11-2003 15:44
by Rens2Sea
rofl messy, making the ball roll can't be made just a bool, the whole ball class has to be rewriten probably, and considering 50% of deathball is the ball, that's a whole lot of work :O

Posted: 17-11-2003 15:50
by Messy
we're doomed :(

Posted: 17-11-2003 16:28
by Onge
If it ain't broke don't fix it...Why do we need it to behave like a real ball? I think there are more important things the team should be working on...

Posted: 17-11-2003 16:59
by DavidM
this need to be done sooner or later
and i prefer sooner

Posted: 17-11-2003 17:04
by Inphidel
A real ball might be cool. I think we've all grown very used to a ball that stops rather easy on the ground then rolls.

but I imagine the humor in alot of grounder goals when the ball is vollyed on the ground and it just zooms around the map in a marble madness way of playing.

ahh that gives me some fun map ideas ;)

Posted: 17-11-2003 17:35
by Messy
lol, this could be very chaotic :o

I'm getting very curious tho =D
I guess i like it :p

ps: dont the round balls in max payne have karma too?
And isn't that the same karma engine ut2k3 uses? O-o

Posted: 17-11-2003 17:53
by RaGe|DB
omg i got the leetest idea for a ball


/me volonteers to play first!