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Release of 1.9B???

Posted: 16-11-2003 18:38
by slim_pickens
OK... first off, I usually hate when people start screaming for the next patch immediately after a patch has been released, but 1.9 HAS to be deemed similarly to 1.4. A patch must be released immediately to fix some of the bugs.

1.9 was rushed (or so it appears) for the make it unreal contest... I can accept that. But, this buggy version is brutal. It's being treated as a partial step, right??? Hell, I'd prefer to go back to 1.8 until 1.9B is released... but that won't happen.

So, are we going to get a patch soon? Or, are we stuck playing this until 2.0 comes out? I'm just wondering because if the goal is several months then I'm probably going to find another game to waste my time with until then.

I didn't bother listing the bugs because they've been posted previously...


Posted: 16-11-2003 18:50
by Messy
Can u please name them once more? O_o
They don't seem to bother me all that much really -.- (besides goalevent)

Posted: 16-11-2003 19:15
by slim_pickens
previous thread
The boost and replay drive me crazy. Since I play VO there are possibly more boosts and definitely more goals, so it could aggrevate the problems. (try sitting through 40+ replays.. if the server doesn't have mapvote it will kill the server) Also, replays need to be majority based because they will be disabled since getting 8+ people to vote never happens (for whatever reason) And, watching EVERY goal gets old in high scoring games.

I know DavidM said the performance thing is client side but I don't see how <=1.8 ran great for me and 1.9 seems MUCH worse.

I know the volley cone was reduced but there seems to be more going on. Maybe I was volleying incorrectly before but I can't cross volley at all anymore. I'd be perfectly content if self volleys were made much more difficult, but cross volleys and such are what make VO games fun and inspire teamwork. At least for me... volleying teammates passes seems to have affected much more than self volleys. Of course, I rarely do self volley since I think it's an egocentric move.

Posted: 16-11-2003 19:22
by [1234]Jr

1.4 was beyond a joke lol!

1.9 is decent.. theres not a lot wrong with it, nothing too critical..except lag/shit like that

Replay solution: turn them off :)

tbh i cant see DavidM doin a patch till the results of the MSU contest come in.. whenever that is, unless he's feeling mighty kind..

Posted: 16-11-2003 20:08
by DavidM
i cant see myself doing a patch without a team
im lost atm

Posted: 16-11-2003 21:28
by Goldeneye
DavidM wrote: i cant see myself doing a patch without a team
im lost atm

learn uscript then and write on deathball yourself \o/

Posted: 16-11-2003 21:57
by [1234]Jr

Posted: 17-11-2003 00:07
by FeEdiKo
DavidM wrote: i cant see myself doing a patch without a team
im lost atm

you're a mapper... fix the maps then:

Lego - no blue keeper spawns -_-
curve - lightning :eek:
tribun - radar (pen zone) :eek:

Posted: 17-11-2003 00:24
by slim_pickens
heh... ok so 1.9 isn't as bad as 1.4 but it still has some very frustrating bugs. This concerns me because NA deathball's community is so fragile right now that I'm afraid a buggy release like this could kill it.

Posted: 17-11-2003 02:13
by DavidM
"curve - lightning"

want a thunderstorm?

listen, there are......0 active members at the moment. i would get active, but i cant do that stuff alone, im just designing, not coding (no, not gonna learn it)

trying to get new people atm....but they dont grow on trees

Posted: 17-11-2003 04:54
by Armagon
I think he meant "Lighting" DavidM. Curve is very bright at the moment. O_o

Posted: 17-11-2003 08:33
by BL44T
Hm Deathball looks to be a kinda successfull mod.. why's it so hard to get people for it?

Posted: 17-11-2003 10:11
by fs|Pele
how about... you give me back selfvolley ;;_;; cmon davidm i suck :x when i get far balls and im one on one with the defender ? what options do i have ? :(

youd rather do something about the overpowered keep ffs . hes jumping form here to Amsterdam AND back

you seperate the men from the boys in attack how about keep ?

if you think the keeper isnt overpowered , play a game of smallcube and youll see

its nice to give keepers a chance but do they have a chance in real soccer ? O.o
You are taking ways of scoring and making it easier to save ? theres no balance ffs.

Sometimes EVEN I keep good , and thats not normal dont you think ,?

Posted: 17-11-2003 12:05
by DiStUrbeD
fs|Pele wrote: its nice to give keepers a chance but do they have a chance in real soccer ? O.o

and thank god db isn't real soccer

though its going that way with the 4-3 games (which would be overly high for a soccer game)

Posted: 17-11-2003 15:08
by Cenotaph
comment to pele:

if u cant speak portuguese, dont try and make a sig just translating from google, altavista, whatever :D
that text makes little sense :p