Just wondering..

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Just wondering..

Post by InSaNe` »

I was wondering if I can run DB of the UT2K3 demo. I don't have UT2K3 because I uninstalled and broke the discs (I was stoned as hell, lots of blunts \o/ )

I do miss DB I admit that and I wanna tryout DBW, and DB 1.9.. Was wondering if I can run DB of the demo version..

I highly doubt it, just want some feedback.
Last edited by InSaNe` on 12-11-2003 06:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by [V3]Jew »

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Post by Ars3h »

no chance
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Post by Sqleaf »

I dont think you can. For a start yuou can't install the Epic add-on packs. I think DB needs them to work correctly. Although if you have all the updated files you can just add them in manually and then install the zip of DBall.

Anyway, good luck withg that :eek:
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Post by Fallen »


look up ut2k3, leave computer running for 3 days...and ur back playing db
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Post by Rens2Sea »

Against bots -_-
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Post by Messy »

I did the same to my openmg (minidisc thingy) discs :(
Uninstalled ---> Broke cd.

And I wasn't even stoned :(
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Post by XiLLeRaToR »

ive got the disk somewhere messy=)
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Post by Messy »

I ordered it \o/
And they're also available for download x_X (free)

This I found out while searching for the drivers for the appropriate minidisc, which hadn't been included by sony, since the openmg 2.2 (r teh new version) disk doznt include my minidisc -.-

gg had to pay 30 euros for nothing x_X shit for dixx sony bullshit.
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Post by InSaNe` »

Ok thanks for the replies but I don't think I can as well.. I'm too lazy to download the demo (need to look for it) and download DB 1.9..

Sin is sending me the discs through mail (physically) but that's gonna take a while.

Bullet: I searched for UT2K3 nothing pops up. Plus I know that UT2K3 is about 3 gigs so a 1 gig file would be a rip off :/
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Post by Messy »

Ever heard of compression? =)
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Post by BonGy »

iv got a way to play UT2003 online without a valid key ;)

but... it involves going to a cheatsite ;)
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Post by Messy »

Every1 knows that's going too far :o

U just don't go to cheatsites =(

Download L33tbot instead!