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Posted: 11-11-2003 00:02
by Xelent
I dont have any screens for you. Youll just have to take my word that its a decent map. We tested it on a few NA servers, seemed like everyone was happy with it.


Posted: 11-11-2003 00:31
by Armagon
I'll wait and see what others think if it before I download it.
Unless you'd like to give us some screenshots of course. ;)

Posted: 11-11-2003 06:59
by [V3]Jew
screenshots u fucking noob u aint shit ass fucker kthx

Posted: 11-11-2003 10:19
by Rens2Sea
No screens, no download :P

Posted: 11-11-2003 10:48
by Ars3h

Posted: 11-11-2003 22:43
by Xelent

heres the pic whores
pic 1

Posted: 11-11-2003 22:49
by Ars3h
its too crowded, too much like a dm level, easy to hide for the whole game and not get any health taken away. e.g those houses

its a very nice idea though, nice design.

Posted: 21-11-2003 19:52
by Xelent
Im going to revise this map soon, anyone mind posting some feedback and possible revisions?

(besides the huts, they will be fixed)

Posted: 21-11-2003 19:54
by Armagon
One particular thing I didn't think was so good was the glass areas around the back of each side. When a person spawns in there, he is pretty much unable to do anything useful though he himself is in no immediate danger. In a DBW map, all players should be open to be attacked, but should just as openly be able to attack others.

Posted: 21-11-2003 23:56
by YoYo789
Just lob a nade into the huts?

Posted: 22-11-2003 06:07
by Armagon
People can sit in the corners where it is bloody hard to hit them, especially if you don't have a clear, direct shot at the doorways.