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1.9 Emitter bug

Posted: 08-11-2003 02:09
by DiStUrbeD
i know its not a map bug, as i've seen it on more than one map, but with the emitters (such as cube, but in my screenshot its on a custom map...DB-Temple][) emitters after a goal, do not stop coming out of where they came from, its quite annoying as you can probably tell by my screenshot (i was attempting to be a goalkeeper)

this isnt a rare bug, it happens just about as often as the shoot bug, if not more.


i think it would make for a cool disco map though :p

Posted: 08-11-2003 02:19
by R3L!K
is that when the goal celebration effects carry on into the next round?

i've had that too

Posted: 08-11-2003 02:52
by [V3]Cajubski
yea i get that too, it happened on that map db-temple and also on db-cube as well, was very annoying, i couldnt get rid of those lights :confused:

Posted: 08-11-2003 09:16
by DavidM
the blue and red emitters are on?
thats the part that confuses me

Posted: 08-11-2003 10:27
by BurntLeaf
blue scores

emitters stay on

red scores

emitters stay on


Like on DB-Cube

Posted: 08-11-2003 10:57
by DiStUrbeD
yep what BL said

its happened to me on a bunch of custom maps, and a few official ones (smallcube and cube)

the emitters dont turn off at all, one team scores, they stay on...i try to deal with it, hoping they will turn off...then other team scores (cuz i cant see) and those stay on they are both on

Posted: 08-11-2003 13:08
by DavidM
it only happens when there is no replay?

Posted: 08-11-2003 13:11
by Rens2Sea
No, also happens with replay on.

Once i was testing bouncing crap with Cata, scored, emitter on, replay, new round, emitter still on..

Strange thing tho, it only happened to me, meaning, the emitter didnt stay with Cata :eek:

Posted: 08-11-2003 13:38
by Cenotaph
never had this bug, I R ROXXOR \o/

Posted: 08-11-2003 13:41
by Messy
lol, have that lots too, reconnect fixes it.

Posted: 08-11-2003 16:51
by priior
happened to me the other night on lowcube2.

red goal had fireworks on during play and off during "celebration" period.

i think i was the only one seeing it.. cuz no one else mentioend anything. (10 on 10 server)

replays were off.

Posted: 08-11-2003 18:50
by Diab
i not had it yet also.

i guess the emitters get turned on and off from the players side of the game, so maby to check / add another way to disable them after each goal?

Posted: 08-11-2003 19:02
by InSaNe`
Reconnect/killing yourself usually do fix everything don't they messy? \o/

Posted: 08-11-2003 19:18
by Messy
I prefer reconnecting, personally, it definitely helps against this yeh :o

Posted: 08-11-2003 19:25
by InSaNe`
Messy next time try to kill yourself..

You'll make better use out of that :)