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Best Keep in NA DB?

Posted: 01-11-2003 13:25
by InSaNe`DB
Who's the best keeper in NA DB?

If other, then state below.

Posted: 01-11-2003 13:30
by InSaNe`DB
I voted Incubus because it's just so fuckin hard to get by him, no way you can fool him either >_<

Posted: 01-11-2003 15:05
by [V3]Optimal
Inc pwns all. I see him make the most craziest saves every time he plays.

Posted: 01-11-2003 15:18
by CaPøNe
\o/ close that thread plz, ask urself \o/

Posted: 01-11-2003 15:19
by [1234]Jr
NA has DB? DavidM Said only Euros play DB.. ;)

Posted: 01-11-2003 16:16
by InSaNe`DB

Mistakened by the ignorant fool again Jr?


Posted: 01-11-2003 18:10
by Messy
Where's gnomeh @ that list? :o

Posted: 01-11-2003 20:37
by Xelent
gnomeh doesnt play anymore

Posted: 01-11-2003 20:44
by Messy

Posted: 01-11-2003 20:50
by BurntLeaf
Well in that case, gnomeh wins

Posted: 02-11-2003 00:22
by Xelent
btw i only voted for myself so that i dont come up empty :)

inc is the best kthx

Posted: 02-11-2003 01:36
by InSaNe`DB

gnomeh quit plus Inc > hemong.

Who voted me? o_O

Hahaha you're stoned..

I'll bet it was Jr since he likes my large wang wang.

Posted: 02-11-2003 04:44
by [V3]Jew
who cares gnomeh is a big baby when he gets pwnt then leaves for months to cry about it so inc is tha best keeper

Posted: 02-11-2003 05:00
by DavidM
[1234]Jr wrote: NA has DB? DavidM Said only Euros play DB.. ;)

mark rein asked the other day if its correct that the deathball community is pretty much limited to germany....
WTF? 0_o

Posted: 02-11-2003 05:33
by InSaNe`DB