Possible Compromise

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Possible Compromise

Post by liebs19 »

First off, let me say that I think 1.9 is as good a version as any. There are things I dislike about it (that sound especially ;)) and there are things I like.

I have read a bunch of threads on the forum about how everyone hates the solution to broomsticks.

I personally dislike the fact that in 1.8 and earlier people could boost into the air and then volley a pass right in. I have no problem with people catching a pass in the air. Sometimes they may be the only open option and you have to pass to them or die.

Here is my suggestion. Wehn someone is boosted, let them catch the pass. They should not, however, be able to volley it. This will allow the offense to still quickly move up the field if they get the chance but they will still have to make a shot beating the defense or the keeper. With this implemented they would not be able to just volley it in from high above the entire defense. Everyone would get time to react while they charge their shot.

Well anyway, this is just my suggestion. I don't know all the reasons you wanted the broomstick out and this may go against some of them. I do believe, however, that this will eliminate the main problem with the broomstick without having such a big effect on either the NA or the Euro style of play.

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Post by Xelent »

Personally, i preferred the Volley power:Height change. Making the player charge in the air would be decent, gives the keeper a chance to get ready, and kills the cheap drop-in pass shots and 23000m/sec volleys.
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Post by theberkin8or »

yep my idea too, though i would add that you should still beable to volley a ball after being boosted by the other team, and when it is not pass to you (aka a loose ball should be able to be volleyed @ anytime)
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Post by liebs19 »

Exactly. I think that charging in the air solves the main problem. This makes it more like a normal shot attempt but it allows the NA style of play, where we move up the filed extremely quickly, to stay in tact.
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Post by theberkin8or »

charge in the air?
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Post by Birelli »

Why is passing to a boosted player important for moving the ball up the field quickly? o_O

You just wait until they land or pass using primary fire to where they are going to land (if you know the player well enough to predict this). Either way, the speed of the break is only marginally slowed by not being able to pass to a player in the air, and it stops cheap broomstick tricks, so I don't see why it even needs to be modified.
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Post by liebs19 »

You would not be able to volley so you would have to take a charge shot. This allows the d and keeper time to react.
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Post by liebs19 »

Waiting until they land is the option I usually took anyway. However, if you are about to die and the man in the air is the only option you can not wait for him to land. What harm is really caused by beaing able to pass to him if he can't volley it in anyway?
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Post by theberkin8or »

berilli come play a 1.8 NA pug with us sometime and i will show you why it is needed.... euro's can't see a problem with it becuase they don't play the same way as us. i have no problem with that but we know what we know plz don't tell us that we are wrong when you are just going by theory

also prim fire shoudln't be the main form of passing.... but i guess i lost the battle on volley so chances are i will lose on passing too

btw cata the coder that did a large part of the coding for 1.9 agrees with NA's assurition that the anti broomstick hurts NA gamestyle and he plays in both communities so he probably a pretty good guide<----don't h8 me cata i just had to use someone they would respect :)
Last edited by theberkin8or on 01-11-2003 04:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Birelli »

None really, but why bother, and anyways when is the guy in the air your only option? at the very least you can dump the ball back to your keeper (kills the attack but then if you allowed yourself to be put under that kind of pressure anyways why shouldn't the defense be rewarded?)
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Post by theberkin8or »

soon the picker on O will learn to cover the pass back becuase we will be forced to use it more not to meantion that when boosting everyone is in a pig group generally near the center of the field which blocks the pass to the keeper
Last edited by theberkin8or on 01-11-2003 06:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by liebs19 »

All of those are viable options, Birelli. I can not argue against that, but you said yourself that it causes no harm passing to him. However, removing it causes the attack to slow down when you have to pass back to the keeper. This is not a problem for the Euro community but it is for the NA community. The NA community is based around fast moving offenses and our defense is accustomed to going against it. If you slow down the offense it becomes even easier for the defense.
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Post by CorDawg »

if the boosted player is the only one open, your team isnt doing a good enough job to get open.
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Post by liebs19 »

That was just my eaxmple. I don't see how catching a apss in the air hurts the game. I understand how volleying that same pass does. There is no time to react.
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Post by [V3]Jew »

should put fast paste dribbling back