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DB 1.9 CHAnges

Posted: 28-10-2003 06:15
by Rino
We are testing new 1.9 db version.
It looks good... but there is an important change i disagree:.
Players will not able to pass the ball to a boosted man... that's to prevent many lamers action... right i agree...
but how many times players use to pass normal at boosted man? from defence for exeple?
It would be useful if the script only worked when a player got boosted too high.
But if u can't pass anyway to a boosted man... that's sux...
Then i think, but this is my opinion, that the rico trick was a tattic... a part of the game... creative and funny... and you could stop that just by playing def good, not withj this new script which disable boost pass...

::Pfffff:: :spammer:

Posted: 28-10-2003 06:29
by DavidM
funny and creative?
look up those words in your dictionary...
more like unfair to defend and annoying

Posted: 28-10-2003 08:07
by DiStUrbeD
not even, its actually quite easy to defend (my clan does it quite well actually)

just cuz you cant do it, doesnt mean its not possible, sorry to tell you, but you aren't god.

Posted: 28-10-2003 09:11
by [1234]Jr
Rest assured David: You can do a lot for somepeople, but you cant do it for all :)

maybe there should be a "1.9 beta official thread" :O

Posted: 28-10-2003 09:34
by horus-one
if one team wins it must be because players in have more skill, not because players in do really lame tricks...

Posted: 28-10-2003 09:50
by [1234]Jr
Here we go again!

DB 1.6/1.7 both called and they want their boostrick n broomstick discussions back!

Posted: 28-10-2003 10:17
by DiStUrbeD
hm lets see....

because you dont know how to defend it, its unfair?

kinda biased if you ask me...isn't the point of a game/mod to play it, learn how to play it, and master it? If you take out everything, there wont be anything left to learn. And you guys wonder why people have been leaving db because it isnt fun anymore, because you take out all the fun stuff to do in it. Joy, lets go bump some people around and do a cross volley goal, fun!

Also, people will still be able to do it with a shoot set, it will just take some time for people to figure out how to do it, but then you all will bitch some more because you are too lame to figure out how to defend it, when its been defendable since the beginning.

sad really

we refer to the boost volley as "penix" (dont know if you do) and broomstick is where you get boosted and touchdown (or homerun :rolleyes: ) both are defendable, but yes, the broomstick is harder to defend, the penix is very defendable.

Re: DB 1.9 CHAnges

Posted: 28-10-2003 10:37
by Sqleaf
Originally posted by Rino
Players will not able to pass the ball to a boosted man...

Can't really comment on this until I've seen it in action but I do have a question.

Is this also the case if players are boosted by the opponants? As in- some guy has got the better of me and is clear on goal (but close enuf to boost). If I boost him into the air is his team-mate unable to pass to him?

Posted: 28-10-2003 11:06
by [1234]Jr
horus-one wrote: if one team wins it must be because players in have more skill, not because players in do really lame tricks...

The games 0-0 .. 2 seconds left, Red boost eachother, Red player is too high for anyone to hit him, he gets the ball via indirect pass and wacks in it...

totally fair..?:rolleyes:

Posted: 28-10-2003 11:56
by DavidM
it just makes things too easy for attackers, they have to play first fire passes, show some skill, not just rmb.... 0_o

Posted: 28-10-2003 12:01
by DiStUrbeD
[1234]Jr wrote: The games 0-0 .. 2 seconds left, Red boost eachother, Red player is too high for anyone to hit him, he gets the ball via indirect pass and wacks in it...

totally fair..?:rolleyes:

thats why you do 2 things

1. prevent it from the beginning, play man-man defense, and keep them away from eachother

2. go for the ball in the air, not the person...remember volley radius > catch radius (or so it seems)

like i said, once you figure out how to stop it, its pretty easy to prevent.

Posted: 28-10-2003 12:04
by -Camel-
I dont see y people are resortin to usin the boosttrick and broomstick anyway. If you look at any of the quality attackers, like cata and gobby, u'll c that they score 90% of their goals wiv normal shootin. Its been proven it can b done, y resort to all these fancy tricks when u haven't even mastered the basic shooting yet?

Posted: 28-10-2003 12:07
by DiStUrbeD
because its more fun and adds a twist to the game.

take out the fun, and its not much of a game anymore

Posted: 28-10-2003 12:13
by Robotojon
i agree with Davey (for once) , if you want to do it you still can, but now you have to use primary fire and a bit of skill

Posted: 28-10-2003 13:49
by Onge
General comments on 1.9:

I like the player height on middle radar, but if they aren't in the radar do I really need the height of 9 other players on the perimeter of the middle radar circle. It's just distracting.

I trust that the heights will be optional between teams: ie I don't have a need to see my teammates height in the radar so I'd turn that off.

1.9 seems a bit sluggish, but I'll put that down to the server this time.

Please have shortname an option on F1. I don't think it needs to be there.

Generally though, it plays well and should be the best version of DB to date...