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I was bored..

Posted: 28-10-2003 00:23
by Fizzy

Posted: 28-10-2003 00:23
by PhatMal
n1 \o/

Posted: 28-10-2003 00:27
by Rens2Sea
You can use the [img] tag you know \o/

Posted: 28-10-2003 01:26
by speedy
lol :D


Posted: 28-10-2003 02:31
by CaPøNe
bah :)

Posted: 28-10-2003 02:56
by DavidM
how did you get all the lil circles so properly alligned? :)

Posted: 28-10-2003 03:06
by Fizzy
by eye. But if you want to get them totally perfect use photoshop rulers and grids

Posted: 28-10-2003 03:18
by lolindir
lol :D

Posted: 28-10-2003 06:19
by giber

Posted: 28-10-2003 07:39
by DavidM
need a 3d grid for that

now that you mention it i see how unaligned they are

Posted: 28-10-2003 09:11
by Dazlin
Dave you should go down to the ut2003 forums and try find a good modeller o//

Posted: 28-10-2003 15:19
by fs|Pele
or maybe learn yourself :p