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Keeper/Defender and Respect/we the ppl

Posted: 25-10-2003 15:51
by ashley
Hi, PPl
Well im a good person so im not gona chat shit about anyone like most ppl do in these forums.
I respect all deathball players here and everydeathball player is a m8 to me.

My Clan The sixty Niners [£69$] Are searching a Keeper and a Defender we have a server 13 members and a cool website
server is gd host [$69$]ut2k3leagueserver.

So anyone interest give me a noticifcation and if anyone wants me to start a pickup game or have a fW or you want to use my server for aN FW then all clans are welcome.

25th october seems to be a good day for me to declare spam day. :spammer:

Atm MAN UTD are losin 1-0 to fulham at home :(:mad: ::Pfffff:: score and win MAN U come on

Posted: 25-10-2003 19:50
by GazMaN
Die link to ur webby DIE!!!!!

popup heaven :o

o and manu lost 3-1 :(

Posted: 25-10-2003 19:53
by Ars3h
ROFL man relat eto the topic. and manu lost 3-1 lets cheeer, the fucking shit heads

Posted: 25-10-2003 23:14
by fs|Pele
lol damn you arsenal fan >_<

but hey who gives a shit about ManU ? they sold beckham :x

Posted: 25-10-2003 23:37
by speedy
SHIT TYPE :: gay

Posted: 26-10-2003 00:33
by Messy
lol, just call him lynx k?k. (instead of gay duh.)

Posted: 26-10-2003 02:10
by ashley
LOL what happend to my thread about keeper wanted
and defender

Im disapointed u united lost but we will own in january+

Posted: 26-10-2003 02:29
by TEZC-Rage
don't worry ashley, they just need places to spam :p (says me :o)

Posted: 26-10-2003 10:34
by Ars3h
wtf is speedys fucking problem....

agne has made him gay? shes a bit of a minger

Posted: 26-10-2003 11:56
by RaGe|DB
Ars3h wrote: wtf is speedys fucking problem....

agne has made him gay? shes a bit of a minger

no, he has the same problem we all suffer from, u \o/ :p ;) :D

Posted: 26-10-2003 12:05
by Ars3h
hm.......ok if you get a problem from me then i must be too 1337 for you all

Posted: 26-10-2003 13:15
by Messy

Posted: 26-10-2003 13:34
by Ars3h
hah..haha..hah.ha.....-.- hahahah k not funny

Posted: 26-10-2003 13:56
by speedy
Ars3h wrote: wtf is speedys fucking problem....

agne has made him gay? shes a bit of a minger
you've never seen her O_o

Posted: 26-10-2003 13:57
by Messy
Didn't she used to be in your signature speedy?