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Posted: 25-10-2003 15:38
by Se7eN
Hi, i am a admin off, and i look at your site and it looks nice, but my qeustion is can i play deathball withou UT, or can i play it when i have the demo version :), or maybe is there a demo version online of deathball ?

(plz dont blame me when this is a realy stupid qeustion : )

Posted: 25-10-2003 15:52
by fro
nope, you need a full ver of ut2003 to play db.

Posted: 25-10-2003 16:03
by Messy
Haha you play CS!

Posted: 25-10-2003 16:20
by CaPøNe
Messy,let teh n00b ask xD

Posted: 26-10-2003 23:39
by InSaNe`DB
Hahhaha CS sucks imho :)

Yes you need UT2K3 to play it, and to watch demo's of it \o/

Posted: 26-10-2003 23:57
by speedy
poo poo need ut23k333kkk or ut24k4k4k4k4k4k to play it

Posted: 27-10-2003 03:51
by FireCell
DB should become like ET and be stand alone free game.

Posted: 27-10-2003 08:25
by BL44T
FireCell wrote: DB should become like ET and be stand alone free game.

aka DB should win the MSU contest...

Posted: 27-10-2003 15:07
yay \o/

Posted: 27-10-2003 15:18
by CaPøNe
yep it owns xD

Posted: 27-10-2003 16:26
by Sixty
there are 3 types of games: the ones that can be stand-alone games, and the ones that cant \o/

Posted: 27-10-2003 16:48
by speedy
Sixty wrote: there are 3 types of games: the ones that can be stand-alone games, and the ones that cant \o/
thats 2 you retard! :eek:
